Direct Joins to Non-Root Places with Teleports

Hello creators!

We’re happy to announce that direct joins for non-root places now support teleports!

We’ve been expanding the direct joins feature ever since first launching in September 2023. This feature has previously been enabled for players to join specific servers from the app or web, such as following a friend into their server.

We originally did not support direct joins into non-root places with teleports because direct joins could only be configured at the experience level. Now that you can configure direct joins by place, this restriction is no longer necessary. This means that when you enable direct joins for a place, players can now join that place through teleports! We hope that this change opens up new possibilities for you, whether it’s collaborating with other devs or more easily letting players hop between your own experiences.

As always, we welcome any feedback, comments, or suggestions that you have!


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This is quite the useful update. I’ll be sure to try it out


Will we be able to enable direct place teleports but disabling the ability for players to be able to do so when joining an experience? As in, if a player joins the game normally, they won’t be teleported into any place other than the starter place as normal, but teleport service teleports can still teleport players into a specific place?

Will we also be able to configure what users and groups are allowed to teleport users into specific places? As some developers may want to allow teleports between their games (but which may be under different groups, or some may be under groups and others their own profile) without the possibility of someone, such as a bad developer leaking the place id, from accessing places directly?


As in, if a player joins the game normally, they won’t be teleported into any place other than the starter place as normal, but teleport service teleports can still teleport players into a specific place?

Yes, when players join the game normally they’ll continue to be taken to the starter or root place by default and you can then decide to teleport them to a new place if you want.

Will we also be able to configure what users and groups are allowed to teleport users into specific places? As some developers may want to allow teleports between their games (but which may be under different groups, or some may be under groups and others their own profile) without the possibility of someone, such as a bad developer leaking the place id, from accessing places directly?

We don’t have a dedicated feature yet for this, but that is a good feature request for us! If you don’t want any teleports into that place you can still turn off direct joins for the place. And of course this feature can still be used in conjunction with any custom scripts you may have to handle players joining.


so just to confirm I understand correctly, teleporting players to a place their friend is in is not an inherent function but rather is now possible because of this update, i.e. would need to be manually scripted?


Someone can already join their friend if you’ve enabled this setting with no further work on your end! So if your friend is in a non-root place (with this feature enabled) you can directly join them in that place.

My response to the second half of your question is to say that we don’t currently have ways for you to filter who can directly join your place, such as by user or by group. It’s a setting that is on for all players or off for all players.


It already was scriptable with player join data. This allows public joinable non-root places on a universe to be joined directly from a users profile with no necessary scripting.

How you get those players into the non-root place to begin with, though, will still need scripted.


If you have multiple experiences or places… is it not possible to rather use Badge ID’s you get in 1 Experience or place… as an approval to be able to access another place … that both of you have approval to be in (with the same badges) ?

Hope you understand what I mean.


This update is fantastic, especially for big games like ours. We were facing challenges teleporting low-end devices to the lite version (with reduced detail) from the normal version. Many low-end devices were crashing before even joining the normal version. Now, we can create a separate portal that allows them to directly access the lite version without going through the normal one.

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It would be great if you guys would also remove the restriction on joining Reserved Servers and put those players into the root place so we can handle whether or not they can access it:

I end up with this error when I attempt to join my other account who is in a reserved server.


Nice update, I hope to try it asap.

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