[Disabled, See Update] New Experiences Have Team Create Enabled

Team create is good thing, but it have problems, because it requires internet connection. Solo work is better in 95% of situations, because it can work offline, and you always can save place to local file if your internet went down.

Roblox, if you read this: PLEASE, make smth that will allow us work without internet at all (even with not loaded images, meshes, etc). Try make something what will help us work offline. Don’t try to make things which will continiously look what we are doing inside studio.


Judging by the many negative replies, majority of the people are not happy with this.
And I can agree with them, I can see why.

I would genuinely like to know why developer feedback is ignored so much despite it being pretty obvious what people do and don’t want.

This can’t be a good way to support a community of devs, it’s borderline anti-consumer.


can roblox seriously stop “fixing” perfectly good things


Exactly. I want to test something that requires R6 in a timely manner. But I have to go publish the game for another made game in my profile, just to flip a coin and see if something works. Absolutely uncool, and yet another feature Roblox seemingly doesn’t care about.


This change was unnecessary, if someone wants to turn team create on they can do it themselve.


why would they add this when everyone has been asking for offline studio


It’s a shame seeing Roblox pushing features that almost nobody wants, while neglecting the ones that developers have been actively pushing for. Roblox knows Rojo exists, they even endorse it but they ignore the reason people want it. They see that we want easier sharing, they know we want a better coding experience, they know that we want a lot; but they ignore it.

As a beginner Roblox Dev, utilizing programming and modeling, Roblox Studio really isn’t the best experience. We’ve wanted offline studio, it’s more productive, and we don’t always need the toolkit, hell, I bet most professional developers don’t use the toolkit. They go and buy out random companies, but don’t bother to buy something to enhance the game. What do us developers get out of buying Guilded? Developers are the reason Roblox is as popular as it is. Developers are the ones making engaging games to push out to the community.

Please, listen to the developers. All I’m gonna say is, be better Roblox. Have more of a community-staff bridge; we don’t want to know when and if you’re working on our features, we want to know have you seen it.


It’s your drive space you’re wasting, not mine.

Edit: Still use local files, never will use cloud storage. Give us offline studio; it’s what most top devs have been saying since these pushes have been made.


Well said. The thing that upsets me the most is that Roblox pushes out updates that the community have expressed their opinion about, but not the updates that developers (mind I remind Roblox that they’re the ones making Roblox popular) have been pushing for for a while now. It’s absolutely annoying, and it’s really edging toward anti-consumer practices.


Maybe focus on making Studio stable instead of pushing changes no one asked for.

Is Roblox trying to crash their own servers and waste disk space? At this point Roblox must be doing a server crash speedrun!


There is a bug in studio (or maybe im the only one) which happens after i publish a place. After i publish a place i can no longer import any of my old scripts from previous games. They just dont don’t work at all. I have a fishing system that i tried to copy and paste into my new place that i published but it doesnt work. This has been happening since you guys did that UI update and other stuff some time ago. Please look into this or help me out. This is completely ruining everything for me.

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All they want is money. It’s depressing honestly.


This should be toggled off by default. This update is way over complicated for new Developers who are still not yet familiar with the Studio’s interface itself. How TC was before was much more easier to navigate. Very unnecessary changes…


Feedback from who? Who asked for this?

Like others have said, there is a serious disconnect here. Team create is fine for messing around with friends, but is mostly incompatible with any professional tooling. Why on earth are you prioritizing something that isn’t even used by the highest grossing studios on the platform?

Also, It’s absurd to push this hard for an online-only workflow with the proven unreliability of the roblox servers.


Team create is super buggy with things like layered clothing completely screwing up a character’s rig and basic Workspace settings like Retargeting always resetting to default every time I open the place. I only use it in a building and testing place, since using it in the main game would be the most painful experience a human could possibly endure.

I also usually make a quick little baseplate to try a few things like vehicle physics, an asset screenshot for icons or a cool module, so it would be EXTREMELY annoying to have a baseplate game get added every time I simply click “New” in File. I know Team Create is disabled there, but I still don’t want a new place to be created when I do that.


Oh my freaking gosh, not this stupid crap again. No, no, and NO.


Amazing Update! although giving the option to turn it off before we enter our experience seems alot better. similar to what @bluebxrrybot had posted:


If people want team create they can turn on team create themselves. I see no reason to fix something that isn’t broken by continuing to push for a Team Create default.

I would like to emphasize why I think Team Create is not a viable option as a default by weighing the pros and cons of Team Create.

  • Work with other people together
  • Auto saves are somewhat more reliable and can be accessed by everyone (although clutter is an issue)


  • Team Create is unreliable.
  • Automatic publishing creates clutter no matter how many menus you hide it behind.
  • Requires an internet connection. People want to be able to work on vacations and trips. Now you need an (unreliable and slow) hotspot.
  • Even if you have internet access, slow or unreliable internet causes lots of issues. From disconnects to bad asset caching. On top of this, for big games you have to wait absolute ages just to load into them. When you disconnect you have to do it all over again.
  • When working in a baseplate I don’t need whatever I’m doing to be autosaved to Roblox never to be deleted again. Sure, there’s an argument to be made that it doesn’t matter, but I just don’t want it!

I do not understand (and have never understood) why Roblox insists on making everything “cloud” based and on the internet. Cloud isn’t for tooling. Unity isn’t in the cloud. Unreal isn’t in the cloud. Godot isn’t in the cloud. No games or engines run in the cloud like Roblox does. No game developer wants their game engine stuck in the cloud either. Roblox doesn’t seem to get that to some extent, and I don’t know why that is. Is the cloud useful as a tool? Yes. Does it replace the applications of simply having a non-cloud application? Hell no.

9 time out of 10 I do not need Team Create unless I am working with a team of people (it’s in the name), and even then, 9 times out of 10, I am spending most of my time working entirely off Team Create in my own isolated copies of games using Rojo and proper tooling that Roblox doesn’t provide themselves.

There is no reason, there is no need for cloud to be pushed so hard. There is no reason for internet access to be required. The UX and reliability problems that come with cloud as a whole make it incredibly inconvenient.

I remember when I first started programming on Roblox it took me about a year before I started using an account for Studio, and I worked many many hours on trips on car rides without internet, and it never once bothered me. I learned a lot even without internet, and I would download and prepare things for myself to work on.

What does bother me is that if I were unlucky enough to be a few years late to the party I would’ve never ever been able to get into Roblox development to the extent that I have because I would have had much time where I could not use Studio, I would have been upset, and I would have tried other alternatives. I just wanted to play around and write code and make cool stuff.

The opportunity for me to contribute to big, externally sponsored projects on Roblox probably wouldn’t have happened without the offline access of Studio.


oh dude, Roblox Studio is getting more and more convulsed lol


How many more years of criticism is it gonna take before Roblox finally snaps out of this always-online nonsense and realizes that none of its most dedicated developers actually want this stuff?

Roblox seems to have absolutely zero understanding of what its developers actually want out of Studio, nor do they have any willingness to understand, and this disconnect is becoming more and more frightening.