Diving into Generative AI

It might be or it might not be. It doesn’t matter as we’re currently in the present time. We can only guess what the distance future has in store for us, but I’d guess that we’d have more important things to worry about then than the discussion of ethical AI generated art. So instead of worrying about the future like that, let’s focus on what will help us right now.

Yes but it’s still too easy, @Roblox is making Development so easy that in 25 years 5 year olds will be able to create Jailbreak in 5 minutes

Hopefully we’ll have better games then than what Jailbreak currently is (no offense to asimo or any similar games). Most games currently on Roblox (key word is “most”) aren’t really hard to make at all. So does it matter if AI can do it too, especially when it’s “25” years late?

Also, let’s say that AI has magically caught up to human level… So what? If anyone can make a game by writing some sentences, it’ll over-saturate the market. What happens then? Well think about it a moment. What kinds of games do you think would reach the top of the market? The low-effort/low-experience games that non-developers have made? Or actually, perhaps the games that, even if AI was used, were actually designed and put together by people who actually have the skill and know what they’re doing? AI is just a tool, where as developers are the ones who use said tools to make great games (hopefully).

In summary, my point is that it doesn’t matter how easy or difficult a game is to put together. What’s important is how well it was put together. Why do you think there are so many bad games out there (even outside of Roblox), including AAA studios. It’s not because they lack the resources, it’s because they lack quality design choices. Every aspect of game development is a skill. AI isn’t even used for a final product, it’s used to make a quick demo to see if it’s worth actually doing.

Actually, I want to add one other thing. If your argument that AI makes game development too easy, I assume you’re also saying that the deciding factor of what makes a game good is how hard it was to make. If that’s the case, let’s go back in time a bit. Back in the day, games were made in dos and assembly. I mean, have you seen the first rollercoaster tycoon? Because it was made in assembly, a game that big (at the time) ran amazingly on home computers due to how efficient it was. But just try making a game with assembly nowadays. But, oh wait, we have game engines now that do most of the work for us. Games are just too easy to make now, I guess. But that’s not true, is it? It definitely made it easier for people to get into game development, but it didn’t ruin anything. I’d argue it only made things better for everyone.


Quite impossible. With the current rates for Roblox, and the current global prices, working for commissions as a scripter will not provide you with enough income to even buy enough food for a week.

As mentioned hundreds of times in this post, AI will not replace humans. Even if it becomes so advanced that it could, we likely won’t live to see it. Nobody will be at risk of losing any real income, since AI already struggles to make a kill brick.

According to your past arguments, the creator toolbox should be deleted as well. It provides just as many low quality scripts and models, many of which are outright dangerous to use in games due to viruses.

You practically already can do this with free models and scripts. If anything, this AI should replace the toolbox. Unlike the toolbox, the AI won’t insert backdoors into your game, and will likely be able to write better than whatever free scripts you can find. As I mentioned earlier as well, so what if it happens then? The world can change so much in 25 years, Roblox may not even be around. Your ideas on this seem to be mostly based off assumption and fear that in the long, long run, this could replace humans.


You have a respectable opinion, as well as all the people here. But that doesn’t mean you have to convince everybody that your point is the only correct one. You are against AI, that is clear, but please, don’t try to convince everybody that they are wrong. They have their valid points as well, and for repeating the same 20 times that won’t change it. It is all about opinions and we have heard yours some times already.

Sorry, it’s not my fault if people keep arguing with me, I’m only trying to tell them my point (which is very very very clear, I don’t understand how they don’t understand (I didn’t want to be mean if it sounded mean))

We understand your point but the thing is it’s also an opinion and you don’t need to demand everyone who makes a post in this topic listen to said opinion. Considering your very new to Roblox and the forums stirring up arguments and controversy between you and other very large developers isn’t going to get you in the direction your looking for.

Then why do you keep arguing? If you understand my point that why do you keep saying it’s wrong? You are even saying it’s right, I have proofs

I’m not saying it’s right I’m saying we understand your concerns, but If the world operated where we didnt take risk doing anything we all would still be banging rocks against sticks

I think @SillyMeTimbers means something along these lines:

Anytime someone replies to this topic with a positive remark or comment, you tend to tell them a list of reasons why this is bad and why they shouldn’t like this. I definitely respect your opinions on this, and I agree with you on some parts, but I can’t speak for everyone when I say that, and some people don’t share your views on this.

The Developer forums are a place to share opinions and ideas freely, but it shouldn’t be taken so far to the point where people feel like opinions are being pushed onto them. Like I said, no one means any harm


and uncertainly? what a stupid use of words

looks great, just wonder about the limits.

As someone who’s been personally experimenting with ChatGPT to help create code, I can say this could be a cool idea for people learning how to code. In my experience, I’ve realized that I still need knowledge on coding for this, so I can tell it what to do. Trying to do things on a whim doesn’t go far.

I’d love to know where is the AI getting the data from? For example the scripting-AI from where does it get the code? Same for the material generation.

Is it taking the data from the DevForum or popular games?

One thing I just realized that would make this very useful is if AI can be used within the an experience during runtime. Now I’ve already mentioned generating stories and natural speech in a previous post of mine, however another useful feature would be image interpolation. This would be useful for many things, including animation. It would also be useful for uploading videos to Roblox as a video could have half of its frames removed, and then generated back with AI. I think these more technical uses for AI would be far more useful than typical ChatGPT usage (outside of natural language, as that will be useful regardless).

I think you’re referring to something like Flowframes or DAIN, RIFE, etc. AI used for video interpolation, typically to smoothen frame rates, restore old camera footage or cut off render time in 3D animations since interpolation is sometimes cheaper than rendering highly complex raytraced scenes many times.

That’s exactly what I’m referring to (and I’m totally not writing this because I just saw a video about it and currently downloading it to see what it can do). However, as useful as that is, that’s all done in post. I want to see this done in runtime so that it can have the benefits that AI gives in gaming. AI generating frames is a huge one, I don’t think anyone would complain about an instant 2x in their framerate if their device supports the AI. It would also help with developer-made things, as well as reduce the cost of things like video.

One big reason I’d want this is because of something like my Gif UI element, which would greatly benefit from AI interpolation during run-time, depending on how Roblox would implement it. It would mean that fewer frames would be needed for the same result.

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Currently I don’t think using AI to double framerates is doable.

Right now it has no awareness of timing or key frames and rendering 3D graphics is actually faster than interpolating a few frames so right now it’s more useful for restoring camera footage and interpolating pre-rendered 3D animation with raytracing involved.

But I’m excited to see what’s next, you never know with how fast tech is going. Maybe one day AI-enhanced framerates will be a thing.

Some TVs already do this when watching movies although sometimes results in slightly messed up timing (especially for cartoons and stop-motion), for gaming it currently just gives too much input lag.

For games it doesn’t really make sense to go one frame back to interpolate when the next frame already exists.

This is gonna be an interesting update.

Could you explain this a bit more? I see AI interpolation working great in games like Cyberpunk 2077 using DLSS. There’s also another solution that doesn’t require AI at all, and I’m not actually sure why all games don’t use it.

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