Diving into Generative AI

This is great! I could definitely see myself using this to generate Materials or make simple scripts that would normally take about a minute or two. Very excited to see where this goes.

This sounds like it could be useful in some ways, but right now I feel that it isnā€™t a good idea.

Right now, AI is in a legal grey zone since the government hasnā€™t caught up with it yet, but in the near future there will most likely be laws and regulations put in place.

With this in mind, I just ask that you donā€™t jump into this trend full-force until that happens and tread carefully until the legality and ethics of AI become more clear. This is especially important right now as there have been serious legal, ethical, and moral issues going on related to how AI technologies have:

  1. Collected their data.

  2. Been used to put people out of work.

And multiple lawsuits from various groups of people are coming from those who have been affected by it.


One thing thatā€™ll probably be important for Robloxā€™s AI to last through all of this is to make sure the datasets are responsibly sourced and documented. I was very happy to see your comment on consent, but thereā€™s a lot of freely available datasets like LAION that are under fire right now for containing millions to billions of copyrighted works. And any future regulations will most likely target those.

If they ever do this they are most likely to use the code they made, so thereā€™s no copyright etc.

This would be the ideal scenario, but from what I know itā€™s extremely hard, even impossible to make a well functioning AI with the little data they would get from using their own code.

A good example for why this is would be github copilot. github copilot is a code generating AI that is good from time to time, but makes mistakes a lot and generally canā€™t write code as good as a professional. This AI scraped the entirety of github, which is where tons and tons of developers put their code, and yet it still isnā€™t perfect.

With this in mind, it would be much better to get data from the users of Roblox who willingly consent to it, but even then it would still be extremely difficult and take years and years of gathering data to even be usable.

What I fear is that because of this, they take the easy route and base the AI off of something that had already stolen its data elsewhere to get a worthwhile result. Kind of like how Corridor Digital(a YouTube channel) recently made an AI animation using their own techniques and software, but the whole thing was based off of stable diffusion(A well known art AI that stole its data).

I could be proven wrong as to how difficult it is to do this, but from what it seems, this is the reality.

Yes, it seems very hard, but what I meant with they will use their own code, is that they will probably use code that is form them directly, which has (hopefully) no errors, and as they made the language, shouldnā€™t

Also one problem with this is that as @Roblox is always updating their code, the AI will always need to be updated, which makes it actually a bad use for Programming

Are you meaning that they would have pre-written code instead of letting the AI create it?

No, they have the code they have in the Documentation and that they written, and the AI looks at it and learns

Ah ok. Then my point still stands on that end. Unless theyā€™re holding on to millions of pages of code, then I donā€™t think they would be able to get enough data to create their own AI from that.

I definitely agree that it would be a bad use for programming though, either way.

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Mostly because they are always updating their code, this the AI has to rewrite its code

But for materials it can be a good idea

Another interesting thing about generative AI too is that it has been shown to repeat the data it has in its dataset. Itā€™s actually called over-fitting.
For example, people have recognized their own artwork being shown to them by art AI like stable diffusion. And other people have noticed their own fanfiction theyā€™ve posted online in the past being shown to them by chatGPT.
So besides being a nightmare for plagiarism and copyright, they could very well leak Robloxā€™s source code by doing that.
That is, unless they go the chatGPT route and use cheap labor to censor what the AI puts out. Even then though, AI is unpredictable and may as well do it anyway.

Yeah, but idk.
It could be useful for materials, but its still a complicated process.

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The best use for it might not be creating things, but helping with some of the more complex tasks as well some of the things Fate has mentioned about above. Maybe it could help rig a character, or create complex shapes. I would love it if I had my own personal assistant that could do stuff like that. But beyond that it, AI gets so complicated and convoluted with itā€™s issues that it would probably be best to hold off until things are more clear.

(Edited some of this comment. I got too negative and opinionated towards the end)

Well, for that thereā€™s no need to create an AI, thereā€™s Plug-Ins for thatā€¦

Man. Imagine AI recreate Minecraft.

No, imagine AI creating Mass Effect 5

Hi again! But what if AI just recreate GTA. Also do I have to pay Robux or real money to have this AI? Do I have to pay at all?

Well, GTA isnā€™t very good now-a-days, only online, AI would probably create it offline, if itā€™s smart, that would be good

Hi again!

Thank you for the question! We can assure you that we are not training our AI model on any of your experiences. As we introduce new AI features or make changes to our AI models, we will continue to engage in open and transparent communication with our community throughout this process, and respect the IP holderā€™s wishes.


I can say that we are just at the beginning of the journey! That image represents some long term visionā€¦ imagine if you could go from ideation to creation so easily :slight_smile: