Diving into Generative AI

I can say that we are just at the beginning of the journey! That image represents some long term vision… imagine if you could go from ideation to creation so easily :slight_smile:


Oooooohh!! Pretty interesting. I am definitely looking forward to then!

looking forward to this update

This will put so much power into those who are creatively limited (like myself, who could not ever make a good Material if my life depended on it). I am a solid programmer… but my modeling and art isn’t up to par.

Looking very forward to using this to augment my experiences. Are there any plans for this AI to be able to generate rigs?

Fun beta test! The materials thing seems helpful!


Honestly this makes me wonder, will we get a opt-in/out for whether we want our data and creations to be used for AI training or not?

If yes, I would honestly volunteer to have AI trained on my code and assets to help improve it’s quality and reliability.
Everyone will benefit from it in the end after all so I may as well contribute to improve it.

Is this out yet?
I got a popup in studio to try it out. I clicked it and accepted some terms in conditions. Then I restarted studio and went into a script. The AI didnt work but there was a yellow popup at the top saying to wrtie comments or something to test it out.

I restarted studio but then it was gone, no longer in the beta window thing.
Does anyone know how to get it back or something?

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There was a production issue causing a mass roll-back of some changes including the enabling of that beta, if you want to know when it’s back watch out for an announcement post.


Sounds good, also when I was messing about the AI Generated Materials are you able to have it be more well… Material like, it seems like it just takes whatever image it can and attempts to throw PBR effects on it and depending on what it is even though it was generated through you guys it ends up getting uploaded on my account and if it doesn’t meet the special safety requirements your acc is at risk of being banned.

For example I searched up “Modern Rock” it brought up some band or something and I thought “this damn search thing sucks but this looks funny” so I clicked it as a material than after it published as a asset on my account while I was still looking through other materials my studio had disconnected so I refreshed my webpage and got greeted with this

I shouldn’t be punished for something you guys had provided.


I am currently testing this out, Normally i hate AI to speed up your progress, But i just wanted to point out some issues that i have found, i know this is extremely new. So alot of failures will occur of course.

It took me 5 tries to make a simple while true do loop, but you need to be very specific because it will otherwise not understand you.
while true do loop

Sometimes i get weird answers like this, Uhm?

Another Example

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You’re trying to do zero-shot here by starting from an empty script which is one of the most challenging things for an AI system to do.

The more context the AI has to work with the better, so you’ll generally get higher quality results working in an existing script with more surrounding context.


so im playing around with it and tried out some of the most random prompts possible until i asked it to make a screen space reflection shader. Sure it did not really give me anything (nor did i expect it to give me anything) meaningful and i might be crazy for thinking this and this might just be some left overs from the ai before it was trained strictly on roblox lua but could there actually be anything shader related for roblox in the works!?


The AI is cool but keeps generating multiple lines of unnecessary repeated code:
Any way to fix this?


hey man how can i open the ai what button it is?

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To use AI you need place – in start your prompt in script

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File > Beta features > Turn on Beta AI code completion > Restart studio

start typing a prompt using -- at the beginning
--print hello world


i was testing and it spams my word not creating a script

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Its okay, you need explain to AI what exactly do you need, or its very baggy

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so do it just gives idea or can apply the script that it wrote

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