Diving into Generative AI

Yeah but a lot of people(including me) fear that this will make it harder for people with skill to stand out. It will be hard to see who actually worked on their game and who just entered a few prompts. I am still looking forward to this though!


Thank you for your post, and I would like to take this opportunity to point out again a recurring problem:
Roblox continues to put effort into innovations; but the few efforts to fix the thousands of bugs don’t keep up with the same pace.

This unfortunately is already notorious. It probably has to do with politics, to please investors. But it’s not ethical.
The bugs are accumulating in such a way that one day, everything will become unsustainable and then it won’t do any good, because the whole foundation will be in ruins.


I would suggest focusing on textures, materials, decals, meshes.

For code, I would worry about training a model. Roblox APIs change and besides, “production quality code” based on code taken out of my experiences might not be helpful if an ai starts pasting it all over Roblox. :smiley: I wonder if it is feasible. Aren’t you afraid of generating huge piles of almost working code?


Its only in studio, but in the future they’re interested in making it work in run time.


I wouldn’t be surprised if this generates controversy just because an AI (official) can do something that one or more experienced people do, I still don’t think it can’t do much more than help with some things :coefficients:


Hopefully doesn’t take our jobs away as scripters. That would be sad.


This is incredibly exciting! This is an actual step to powering imagination. Good work.


I absolutely love this, from the presentation it only seems as it could do small things (like change the colors of a block when its touched), but it could also save a lot of time.

It probably wont be able to script whole games but it definitely has a role in it.


How does the AI learn how to write code? Is Roblox sampling user code without scripter consent?


Let’s take the tinfoil hat off. We’re only talking about AI applications in materials and code at this time. There will not be a button you can press to generate an entire game, nor even builds for at least a very long time, and likely never to a level in detail enough to be good without also being a 1:1 free model. You can already slap together free assets into a cashgrab game with little effort.

However, AI automation is possibly a concern decades out, when everything is AI generated, new unique source data for AI training will probably start to become more scarce.


I disagree, the code generated is simple but would definitely speed up learning for some since finding examples online isn’t as easy with roblox. For those that don’t learn, all it does is hold them back long-term.
As for materials, this doesn’t seem like image generation in the sense that ai art is generated, just adjusting a bunch of settings and possibly noise to make a material for roblox.


If that’s how Roblox is gonna generate textures I don’t really think it should even be called generative AI. More like a generative algorithm.

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How do you want to know about this? huh?!

I Want to feel optimistic about this update but I think it will do more bad than good sure Generative AI is clean and cool but what is going to happen to scripters who are for hire? They may see a decrease in people wanting to hire scripters thus they will generate less income. I’m looking forward to this update but I’m worried about how much hiring developers are going to get affected by this.


Generative AI would be great for people learning Studio


I’ve been seeing a lot more AI related topics recently and I think this is a very cool one to help with smaller bits of code so people can instead shift their focus to a bigger script. I’m very interested to see where this goes.

I and most other experienced developers probably don’t need AI to write scripts for us but rather to help us with game design flaws and designing systems. I hope this is put at top-priority for training the AI model.

There are some things I would like to point out;

We may start getting people making very low quality games (it’s starting to happen now).

Commissions will be rarer because people will have AI and a bit of knowledge to create a script for example. It depends on how advanced it is that it will affect hired people for commissions.


This is a bad idea imo - always will be.

First, it’ll probably put people out of jobs. Yeah, I know everybody knows about this, but still, it’s probably one of the worst aspects of this.

Second, it opens a lot of wormholes for copying, and literally lets anybody make a game. If everybody can now make games, nobody’s learning, which creates a huge issue. If nobody’s learning, in a few year’s time all games on the site will be trash. And with copying, I could probably make it copy an entire game, or make something similar to it if I found a loophole - kinda like how with proper wording you can make ChatGPT do anything you want, like write code to make more AIs, etc. If I tell this “Make me a game like [popular game]”, it’ll probably just create it, which is a HUGE issue.

Why hire a modeler when you can tell this to model anything? Why learn Lua when you can just get it to make it for you?

Going back to the thought of in a few year’s time. Everybody will be inexperienced, a lot of games will have degraded quality because of this, and a lot more - all because of this.

Hopefully people see this post and I’m not just shouting into air here, I think these are very important points to this which will prevent me from using this, and keeping me from liking it at all.


I think we give away our rights to the code in the User agreement

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