Docking Updates [Full Release]

I’ve been on this beta since it first came out. First, it doesn’t seem to corrupt my docking layouts anymore (good!) but I now have an equally frustrating issue that stemmed from using this.

I use a 2-monitor setup, studio + viewport on one monitor, the other has an undocked window pane that has explorer, properties, output, and some plugins combined.

It seems like almost every week I’ve been using this, my entire layout will either reset randomly (everything defaults back to being docked on my main studio as if I pressed reset layout) or my plugins would reset to normal studio docked behaviour while my studio-centric windows like explorer/properly stays properly undocked on my second monitor.

I don’t have a solid repro on this, but I do open a lot of studio windows per day and it might contribute to the problem until studio decides to reset the layout on its own fully.


Been have issues with the Toolbox the last 2 days.
Every time I do a test, it pops up on the left.
Even though it wasn’t there, and then I close it again.
And this repeats after every test I do - lol

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Yeah that’s because we are experimenting with ignoring the plugins minimum size requests. We have found devs using this as a way to avoid making UI that is flexible (not blaming them… it’s not easy work!).

Feel free to resize and move — it should save your preferences. We could definitely try different approaches to improve the default region sizes too.


So in your floating window on your second monitor, you’re saying 3rd party plugins don’t stay there but Explorer/Properties/Output do? It sounds like the mysteriously moved panels wind up getting placed in the main Studio window?

Are you saying Toolbox re-appears going from Play/Test to Edit?

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Yup. Two scenarios can happen:

  1. The entire layout resets and everything goes back to the main studio window.
  2. Only the 3rd party plugins reset, but every else is fine.
Here is a picture of my current layout:

When 2. happens, all 3rd party plugins are gone, like so:

Semi-reset layout:

I’ll have to redock the 3rd party plugins afterwards.


Got it. This is helpful. Thanks!

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Exactly that !
I close ToolBox - hardly is used - no need otherwise using up valuable space.
Then after the Studio game test - it reappears (docked on left).

But Murphy’s Law … did the test now again & the Toolbox didn’t auto appear :frowning:
However, as before, on opening Studio - 3D Text Plugin still appears on Start-up.

Yeah 3D Text is a naughty plugin, for some reason. I get that behavior too and I’ve now noticed it actually appears automatically in old docking :thinking: I’ve asked the devs to take a look at it, specifically.


Okay, I’ve tested it and well, the Drafts panel still has a mind of its own, contrary to my previous post in this topic.

My main experience, Project Magical Mary, uses Team Create, but only so I can use its Drafts panel, as it helps me remember changes that I’ve made during bigger updates (since my brain is so unreliable now).

The drafts panel will remember where I docked it as long as I only open places that use Team Create, but if I open a local RBXL file then open any place within my experience, it returns to it’s default location in the bottom right corner. I hope this is an easy-to-fix bug, but it isn’t that annoying to deal with when it happens.

The Output panel is staying on the left side like I’ve set, though, so that’s good!

I’ve noticed it opening automatically with the new docking system, too. I don’t know why 3D Text behaves differently from other plugins like it does, but it gives it an impatient personality, like it’s yelling “Pick me!” randomly when I open Studio.


Thanks for the details! I’m pretty sure the Drafts widget is going away sooner than later but we can still take a peek to see why it’s behaving inconsistently.

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I’ve noticed more & more that the docking choices I make are saved “IF” I close it via the menu widgets.
But if I close it via the X in the top right corners… it doesn’t save, and just joins below other docked items.

As for opening Studio from fresh, I haven’t seen ANY previous Docking preferences I’ve made.
Is that something that should happen, or not, from when opening studio ?

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I’ll pass this along. Are you saying you aren’t seeing your layout properly restore the next time you launch Studio? Does it just look like the completely default layout (which you’d get when you Reset View)

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And Yes

Only time it saves for me… is in the same session… and when using the toolbar widgets.
Closing any docked item with the X (top right)… and when reopening it… it’s in common areas (below & minimized).

For instance, if I have Explorer docked on the right… and Properties on my 2nd monitor.

  1. If I use the Properties widget to close it - it will reappear on my 2nd monitor.
  2. If I use the X to close it - it forgets the previous setting - and when I reopen it… it opens under Explorer (maybe a common spot?).

Other widgets seem to operate the same way as well… where they are commonly opened.
For instance… 3D Text and ToolBox will open on the left side… the way Studio always worked… not remembering I had ToolBox open on my 2nd monitor as well.

Hope that helps.

I tried to record it - Murphy’s Law… it decided to work properly :man_facepalming:
Closing with Widget or X … it reopened in previous intended spots.
I could swear it didn’t do that 2 days ago lol

On started up however… Properties still starts under Explorer (not 2nd screen).
But that’s liveable… as long as it remembers it in the same session :slight_smile:

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Hi @TQNY2, can you please describe your issue in more detail? Do you have Toolbox closed, then you go to Play and Toolbox pops up on the left? Is it docked or undocked?

The post above your current reply… says it all for now.
Some seems to have cleared up… but only if with current session.
A new session will always open Properties under explorer, even though I keep it on screen 2.
All details in above post (forgot how to tag it).

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An update to this. I had an internet outage earlier today which caused my studio to disconnect from team create. Once my internet recovered, studio auto-reconnects me back to the session, exhibiting the second scenario again where 3rd party plugins reset. However, I reckon studio saves the layout when you close it out the right way (by pressing the X button). I opted instead to force close studio with task manager and relaunch studio. After connecting back into my team create, all my 3rd party plugins are back in the right spot.

Ah ok… yes we save the layout at certain times (notably when going into Play/Test and on Studio close) so that makes sense. Thanks for the additional info!

can we have an actual decent MDI feature for Roblox Studio for once ? Is Windows MDI feature too limited for Studio or ?
The current implementation is extremely glitchy and it badly supports multi monitors on Windows.

We are working on the foundations needed to do this. But there’s lots of legacy and considerations to navigate to get there.