Docking Updates [Full Release]

Yes we are working on some ideas for scenarios like this. We released this as Beta primarily to confirm it resolved corruption issues for those affected and to see what else we need to do — so thanks for taking the time to let us know!


Yep that’s correct (charsssss)


You are right, thank you !

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I’m sorry to say that’s the old/current docking system — the new system has cut way back on the splitting options… which is one part of the corruption issue we are trying to kill. Yesterday’s release of v605 knocked this particular Beta Feature off (even if you have it checked on). We are working on a hotfix ASAP to get this back on. :sad:

However! I still maintain the new docking system will support what you’re trying to do here. Also: your game UI looks really nice!


My layout doesn’t seem to save/load properly. It seems like all the pages on the east panel get separated into their own sections.

My preferred layout:

What happens when I reopen studio:

I believe I am stuck on the old docking system even though I have the beta feature enabled – according to recent replies, the output overlapping the west section was a quirk of the old system. Am I even using the new system??


For you and anyone else wondering why this feature doesn’t seem to be working:


I should probably learn to read


I just now started testing this, and it has some glaring issues at the moment.

In all fairness, I have a fairly specific layout, but I rely on everything I have in my layout.

Above is my regular layout that I develop with. I use most of everything in here for one purpose or another, and they’re all useful to me for their purpose.

Below is what this layout turns into every time I boot up studio.

This happens every single time I open up studio and I don’t very much appreciate having to replace everything every time.

In any case, I’m sure this will be fixed in due time and once that does I doubt I will take any issue with this update. I’m looking forward to seeing this update in a complete state since I have been impacted by layout corruption and for it to no longer be an issue is something I look forward to!

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Hello! The good news is that, at a glance, I don’t see anything about your preferred layout that the new system doesn’t support in it’s current form.

The bad news is I’m assuming you’re testing this out today and the new docking system got knocked completely off by yesterday’s Studio release. Even if you have the Beta Feature on, you don’t have it as of right now.

The less bad news is that we have the fix verified and it’s going through all the hoops of being pushed out as a hotfix.


Ah, got it! That clears things up. Thank you for taking the time to respond, I’ll have some more feedback once the update gets pushed! :smile:


Is it possible for the jitter to be fixed when quickly resizing the windows? I’m not sure what technical term for this is, but I’m referring to the white space, and random lines flash momentarily every move I make when resizing the windows.


Personally, this beta has worked pretty well for me; Roblox Studio finally remembers that I prefer to put the Drafts pane on the left side. However, now Studio never remembers that I also put my Output pane on the left side too (where the Asset Manager is). Every time I open a place, I have to move it to the left then change the tab order so it’s output then asset manager.

This looks like it’s very similar to @AlteFore’s issue; If the Output pane is repositioned at all, it will return to the bottom of the window when Studio opens again.


Now that I think about it.
Something I’ll constantly do now, with this update, is to detach my viewport and resize it to full screen to see User Interface better.
Now, I noticed that it has a close button on the right side when you undock it, however it acts just as the regular [Place Name … x] will act.
This means that it will close the place down instead of the expected(at least from me) behavior, to return the viewport back to it’s previous docked state.

So I think it will be much more productive if that x button just takes the viewport back to it’s docked state instead of completely close down the place!


Good idea! Made a ticket for this.


The hotfix is now live and I was not able to reproduce this (Output stayed where I placed it). Please update Studio to 605.2+ and see if it works better for you.


The hotfix is now live! Please update Studio to 605.2+ and give us that feedback.


The hotfix is now live! Please update Studio to 605.2+ and see if it works better for you.


The hotfix is now live! Please update Studio to 605.2+ and give it another go.


I’m having issues with the docking setup not saving properly when studio is closed an opened again
The last couple of days, the output window wouldn’t be where I set it, this morning it seemed like it was back to the default setup, though now, it seems to be saving correctly so idk?
Oh, it seems like it’s because of this hotfix, nice :smile:

There’s also the issue of the micro profiler being open every time I open a studio game, but that’s a separate issue, it’s been happening for months


Yup! I got it, so far I have the minor issue of the chat window seemingly popping out of it’s place occasionally when I boot up studio. Other than that, it appears to be working great! I’ll send you any updates.

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