Dogu15 Rig [Layered]

I think it could be because part is anchored or rigged differently?

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They’re not anchored either, as i tried to import it as FBX torso don’t even move normally like the default character does, how do i fix this anyway?

You could possibly contact with me in the DMs and I’d have a closer look. No ideas.

Is there a way to apply other character meshes? Like robloxian 2.0, Boy/girl mesh, superhero mesh etc

I have decided to include this in resources, because people kept asking me. It’s an old recording.


possible to do this on custom r15 starter character

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is there any version of this with layered clothing compatibility?

Actually, there is. One user made that already and it seems to work, you can give it a try :slight_smile:


im very confused how this works, can you go in depth explaining how you made it???
using Roblox Studio all i can see in the deform rig are meshparts for different limbs, no bones or anything.

sorry for asking i dont know much about cage meshes and mesh deformation

having a bit of an issue with layered clothing, unsure of why but its slightly forward??
everything seems to be properly weight painted so…, has anybody had this issue ?
this issue only seems to happen when exporting specifically using Dogu15’s weight painted bones

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It has been mentioned a million times that Dogu is not compatible with layered clothing


Add the cages from the default R15 rig, you’ll see them in every limb. The layered clothing system uses it to snap-on.


is there any way to make this work with ragdoll

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I am currently trying to work on a new version which supports layered clothing. Wish me good luck!


Take your time. I can’t wait to use this new version!

This looks great man :white_check_mark:
I’d say Roblox should make this the actual R15 rig

It’s done and release should be done soon. The new model files will be more Roblox-compatible than the earlier one!

UGC release will be possible only if we speak out about the forced underwear issue. Be loud.


The layered rig is now out. Let’s go!


legs won’t load in the layered (2014) rig

Any chance these seems will be fixed at any point?

(Left side of left arm)

Some seems are more visible than others.
I’m not sure what’s causing these, but other rigs like S15 don’t have this issue.

This is on a character with no humanoid if that might affect anything.
Each limb has ‘texture’ instances covering each face.

I very much want to use this rig over others, but these seems are visible in studio and in game and are very noticeable.