Dolcini | Training Procedure

Dolcini’s Training Procedure

Last updated, 7/19

Hosting Procedure

Before stating the Salutation, you must first do the following in order.

Become the host by saying, “!host”
Make 4 trainers by saying, “!trainer (player) (1-4)”
Slock the game for rank 10+ by saying, “!slock 10”
Group the Trainee by saying, “!group”
You now may commence the training. Make sure to use “:sm (text)” for the salutation.

HOW TO USE ELEVATORS: To unlock the elevator go near security and say “unlock” to lock say “lock” to open the elevator door say “call”


Welcome to the Dolcini Training Center in downtown New York City. We are located in a quiet, wealthier part of New York, and it is found to be one of the friendliest neighborhoods in the city.

I would like to start by thanking you for making it here today, and we are ready to have you join us on this amazing journey. With a little effort and some passion, you will defiantly accomplish the training conducted today.

Here are some rules and what to know about how we run operations.

We are grading you off of your: Efficiency to make the correct order, perfect grammar, your personality/customer care.

We are very flexible, to say the least, about how we show our formality for etiquette. Just make sure to be professional and bright, then the rest is just to be yourself.

We will make sure you are right for the position by giving three warnings for any grammatical mistakes. Your third will kick you, not allowing you to rejoin, but to try another time again.

Let’s now begin… You have been assigned a group above your head. You all have Trainers that also have their group # above them.

Trainers, please go to your elevators.

Trainees, you may now go to your group elevator.

Trainer Procedure

The register procedure.

Procedure: All Trainees will be asked to go behind the counter when you arrive on your floor. You will ask all of them to make 2 items including: one drink item, one dolcini item. Once they have made the item, they will not submit it until you have told them to, so that you can see specifically if the dolcini toppings are correct and also that you know that person has done the order. If they have the wrong toppings on the dolcini, they have failed the training, this is a mistake that shouldn’t be made. The rest is only submittable by making it correctly, you will only have to check the dolcini for correctness. If they submit the items before you tell them to; they have failed the training. Make sure you are acknowledging their introduction and their goodbyes throughout. Also, make sure that they are using perfect grammar and correcting themselves if needed. This will help them in the future. Make sure to let them know in PMs why they have failed if they did something wrong.

Ciao! I am your trainer today. Please take your time to make your greeting. You have 30 seconds to get it ready to copy and paste.

Wait 30 seconds before continuing.

You will be given an order to make that you must put into the register system in an orderly fashion.

1 ) Greeting 2) Asking specifics (Ex. Size, flavor, temperature) 3) Making sure that their order is correct by restating it 4) Submitting order 5) Making the order 6) Farewell

You will not have to ask specifics or restate the order at this time, but when you are at the cafe; make sure to do so.

Make sure to use the GUI labeled “Session Times/Cook Book” to see how to make your item.

To use the system, it’s very easy. Go to the item type and click the image of the flavor the customer asked for. To see what the image is called just click it and see it in the order box.

After that, you will get a side box to complete your order. Once you complete an item click “Done” while holding your item, first. Then once each item is highlighted green; click “Submit.”

You will need to be close to the Trainer when submitting your order, otherwise, it will not submit. When you are told to submit and I am near you, submit and say your farewell.

Labels are located above the machines. I am not authorized to help you make your orders, please use the cookbook.

To make an order with this system hold the key displayed or hold down on the prompt.

To speed up time, we have gotten rid of the pastry machines; you just click what type of pastry you want to make it, then you wait for it to bake. Click any flavor of pastry to refill them with a supply box.

When asking for a drink make sure if the customer orders a specialty coffee; you then ask temperature, flavor, and size. If it’s decaf or regular, no flavors are included.

IMPORTANT: Do not submit your order until you are told to, when all items are highlighted green, tell me that you are done, then when told to submit, go ahead and do so.

If you submit the items when you haven’t been told to, you will automatically fail the session.

Once you submit the order, say your friendly satisfactory goodbye to me. Then wait patiently where you are until others are done.

Each Trainee will be given up to 6 minutes to complete their order. This is so we are time efficient with the training. If you don’t complete the order in that time duration, you may fail.

Please state your greetings now.

Look for any grammatical errors in everyone’s greeting, then give warnings as you see an error that is not corrected by the player.

Order one drink item and one dolcini item, all trainees will be making it. Make sure to state specifics for the drink item: flavor, size, temperature. Order something from the cookbook located in the handbook.

I will have a … (order)

Go ahead and make this order! Remember you cannot ask for help from me or have the order resaid, make sure to use the cookbook GUI. 6 minutes starts now.

Use a clock that is handy to make sure everyone is fulfilling the order in the 6 minute time duration.

Make sure they are fulfilling all 4 of the tasks: 1 ) Greeting 2) Submitting order 3) Making the order 4) Farewell

Trainer Procedure II

The questions procedure.

Procedure: You will grade each of your groups’ Trainees subjectively. If they answered 6 or more questions correctly, they have passed the training. Pass them by saying “!pass (username)” Make sure that they don’t have 3 or more grammatical errors in their answers. If they answered 5 or fewer questions correctly, they have failed the training and will have to try again in the next training session. First, let them know they have failed, then initiate a kick. You will state the following and then if no one has a question about what to do for this procedure, send the questions piece by saying “!question group (#)” — This will send a GUI to your group with questions. You will review the questions on the questions podium while responses come in. You are not obligated to open or clear other groups’ responses.

For this part of the training, you will be asked 8 questions and will be graded on grammar and correctness. You will need to answer at least 6 questions correctly.

Grammatical errors in responses may make you fail. Make sure to proofread your answers so that you don’t fail when making 3 mistakes.

You will have 8 minutes to answer these questions; a minute for each question once you are prompted with them. Make sure to watch the time; if you go over the time you will fail.

Make sure to have the handbook ready so that you can answer these questions to the best of your ability. Does anyone have any questions so far?

Answer any questions asked.

Ok, let me send you the questions form now.

After the entire group has submitted their answers and you have graded them, pass those who answered 6 or more questions correctly; bring everyone to the podium behind the Trainees including those who have failed.


Now state your thanks to the Trainees in your own way. Exp: "Thank you to everyone here who has attended today’s session. You put great effort and efficiency into your tasks that made the training go very smoothly. This is greatly appreciated.

Dolcini thanks all of those who have come to train here today. We look forward to seeing you working in the cafe if you have passed. If not, please attend another session. : )

The training has now concluded. Here are the passing results.

Show results by opening the podium panel and then click “Up/Down” once it is completely up click “Connection” then click “Results.”

Hosts Job
Supervise the training; looking over all of the groups making sure everything is running smoothly. Look in the “Pass GUI” to see which Trainee to rank Junior Barista, by saying “:rank (player) jb”.This is to be done during the training and not during the results. When checking for passees, continue to keep refreshing the passee page by clicking the refresh wheel in the right corner of the GUI. The session should last from 30-60 minutes, make sure the session goes to plan with time and suffice. Make sure to take note of which staff attended the Training so that promotions can be made with forethought.

Remember when using commands always click the apostrophe key (key left of Enter) before saying a command that uses the colon “:” and for “!” commands make sure to say in chat “/c system” then press enter, you will be able to say “!” commands so that it is unnoticeable to others.

  • :pm (player) (message): PM’s player. Use this to talk to players in private.
  • !pass (player): Passes a Trainee after completing all parts of the training.
  • !unpass (player): Removes the player from passing/results.
  • !question group (#): Gives questions to the group specified.
  • !warn (player) (reason): Warns player; this is used for grammatical errors, third warning kicks them.
  • :kick (player) (reason): Kicks player, this is used for players who are not following the rules and being disruptive.

Host Commands

  • !group: Divides Trainees into groups.
  • !trainer (player) (1-4): Makes an Assistant Supervisor+ a Trainer.
  • !slock (rank): Slocks the server to the rank specified. (make it 10 for HR+)
  • !host: Makes whoever says the command the host of the session.
  • :sm (Message): States a message as an announcement on players’ screens.
  • :rank (player) jb: Ranks player to Junior Barista.


  • You must be a Manager+ to host a training
  • You must be an Assistant Supervisor+ to train Trainees
  • Trainers are not obligated to use Host Commands
  • Corporate Assistant+ are the only ones allowed to cancel trainings
  • You may not start training with less than 5 people unless permitted by a Corporate Assistant+
  • You may not host a training without at least 1 host also 1 trainer (for every 10 people)
  • Trainings are not to have more than 4 Trainers, 1 Host and 1 Overseer allowing 4 extra Staff Assistant+ to either help out in any way or have interns learning to train, nor more than 40 Trainee’s