DragDetectors [Beta]

@PrinceTybalt Can we have a release date for this feature? I want to use it for my games already!


@Mikos_Drafle If you fill out the form here:

then we will turn on DragDetectors in your game(s) for you.

We are approaching the time when we’ll turn it on for all games, while keeping the beta in place for authoring in studio. But we cannot promise a date.

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@Firefly_Studio I tried your game, it’s really cool to see jenga turned into a proper game; and it’s fun to play. I like how you set up the different courses and added the crown.

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We are currently aware of a bug that causes local dragDetectors to not fire the DragStart event. We have identified the cause and applied a fix, which will be applied to all studio instances on version 588 releasing next week.

The DragContinue and DragEnd events are not affected.

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I’m experiencing an issue in Studio whenever I disconnect from a Team Create session, the DragDetector’s Axis property resets to 0,1,0, where as I have it set as 1,0,0. My guess is that it has something to do with the owner of the game not having DragDetectors enabled, but all other properties are stored fine.

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You can fix it with an script

Script.parent.dragdetector.axis = vector 3.new ( 1,0,0) -- put it in the part

Mean you reset it to 1.0.0 this bug sall be fixed sorry for the bugs in the script but I write it on my mobile

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would there be a way to use this in a viewport frame to rotate models in said frame?

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This is a suggestion that we are aware of! We do know that we won’t have this for the initial release, but further work will take all suggestions into consideration.

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Certain properties are not replicating correctly and this effects team create. (axis, secondaryAxis, orientation, worldAxis, and worldSecondaryAxis).

We have a fix in the works and the fix should be live end of next week.
In the interim, yes, you need to set it in a script as @foodeggs7 suggested:


Sorry, I’m not planning to make a contest game, I think I’ll just wait.

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It looks like you can drag objects beyond the limits of MaxDragTranslation in a single drag by using the modifier key to reset the ‘starting position’ of the drag. Is this intentional?

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Hi @PrinceTybalt can I fill in the form for a group game what I’m not own it look we do now made the game in an group game

And as I dragdettectors use by mech then the part rotate by dragging

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If you set the referenceInstance, then the amount in the DragFrame should not reset when you use the modifier key.

In general, if you are using MaxDragTranslation and MinDragTranslation, you always want to set the referenceInstance to something other than empty. If it’s empty, it will use the pivot of the DragDetector’s parent for the reference frame; which changes every time you end a drag or use the modifier key to switch directions.

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Since we know you are working on a game and we’ve been talking, we will turn it on for you.
Is this the game you just submitted yesterday? I will talk to the engineer that enables them and make sure he knows.

I’m not 100% sure they will see this before Monday so it may not be turned on until monday. i’ll contact them and let you know.

Update: We cannot turn the flag on until Monday for internal reasons. We’ll do it soon as we can. Until then you can work in team test if you want to play multiplayer together

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This morning was there a place under an group made for it can I then it for that group game enabled the group is owned by 0shank

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Is there a way with Max/Min DragAngle to prevent the DragFrame from inverting?

For example: I can move this lever anywhere between the configured Min & Max Drag Angle:

However, the DragFrame Orientation flips on the Y & Z axis (this DragDetector utilizes the X axis for rotation), when dragging towards the bottom of the lever:

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I would prefer if the reference frame does not reset when you use the modifier key to switch directions, the current behaviour feels wrong because its still technically the same drag action.

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If you set the referenceInstance to be something other then the object you are dragging, like terrain or a platform, then it will not reset when you use the modifier key


We will look into this. The math may be tricky but it is a reasonable thing to expect.


I have fill in the form for the group game I have for sure 0shank ask to do it to that is that game I will made but now it is on a group

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