Dynamic Heads & Facial Animation Preview Beta

am i living in a nightmare?

please make this opt-in and keep faces these look horrible to me


Looks like you’ve made a new creature which apparentely has hands as legs and legs as hands.

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I just think it’s losing the charm that it used to have


I think what people are missing (or maybe they do know, and are afraid of) is that none of these features are going into old games. They are going into new games. The games you will have to compete against when you make your game will have them. If you don’t like it, you can leave it out, and the gamble is on you that players won’t mind you skipping it.

I’ve been building around this functionality for 8 months. I will have it.


In my opinion, some of this update is good. However, what was wrong with the r6 and r15? As @Sir_slade Said, If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Instead of buying companies for the future of the “Metaverse” why not funel it back to the people who gave the website its success? Instead of spending it on things to keep up with the other companies, why not just keep the charm of the website? However, as I stated before this is my opinion.

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Instead of making more actually meaningful and quality of life changes to the overall game like optimizing certain features or aspects of the engine (future lighting, still runs awfully no matter the device) or which havent seen any updates in a while. (raycast one was actually super useful !).

All the development time and resources are used in these kind of things, which could be added way later when the engine is actually stable for low-end devices because it’s impossible to have anything run well most of the time. (even front page games)

In my opinion, this the same thing as increasing the max server sizes for whatever reason it was needed to be done while live game can barely keep up with 50 players at once in most games. Kind of sad that such things are put on upmost priority while alot of other important additions to help with developing could be made. (why is streaming out behaviour for streaming enabled still taking a year to be enabled even)

It’s also really frustrating when alot of requested features are dropped because mobile players wont be able to run it (screen space reflections!!)

It’s been almost 4 years since they introduced it and glass STILL doesn’t render transparent objects like water??? please do something about it, make it an option or anything because it’s really annoying.

edit: and yes the first head is alright but the second one is just horror


I’m going to have my own opinion, This looks amazing. (Except for the one with lips) I think Roblox will have more success and lot more players!

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Yeah this is really annoying. I’m sick of Roblox trying to appeal to shareholders by making useless features like this.

Like, we haven’t even gotten SurfaceApperance for regular parts and unions yet, but we get this? Like, no offense to the people who made it, but who asked for it?

Not to mention there’s other bugs we’ve had sidelined. For months, the upload box for models and other assets hasn’t scrolled down through every asset in group models, and so every time I want to update something, if it’s too old, I have to upload it to a new asset. It’s infuriating.

Roblox should really be prioritizing fixing long-standing stuff before they start innovating useless things like this that people don’t even really use.

Like, I’m not trying to be rude, again, but has Roblox actually paid attention to the avatar features people frequently use? I RARELY see anyone using Rthro if it isn’t ironically, for a troll or otherwise joke. It makes me wonder how much this is actually going to contribute to the platform besides being just a fancy new feature. I used to add tons of expressions to morphs I’d make for myself, and I just found myself never using them half the time. It’s a waste of resources.


I agree, I remember when we waited forever, for decorations to terrain grass, then once we got it, that was it… when it was planned to have things like rocks, sticks, etc… and if I remember correctly, custom decorations. I like the new face animations and can’t wait to use them in live games, but like you said… who asked for it, and why is it getting priority over things that really NEED to be addressed?


That will be introduced with Custom Materials through MaterialService :eyes:

I honestly wish more was brought on board with this, They said they will add more to it but it seems like that isn’t happening.

creepy. super creepy. why roblox?

Wonderful, gorgeous, attractive. image
messing up a little bit


But it’s not an improvement, not by a longshot

I think these old avatars can also have cage mesh joint like this one

Doesn’t change that it took well over a year for this to finally happen and this was being worked on in the meantime.

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i actually really like this! my only complaint is the hands of the body look awful…
Id rather have just no fingers and flat block hands but the rest of it is ok.


Are they also going to add a texturing feature for pbr materials?
i am waiting like 10 months for it, but its stil not even in beta, and its really important for tiling to avoid lag because now i need to duplikate that part and thats really not pratic

Yes, Roblox used to be a low quality platform, and now they’re giving us new tools to expand from that.

Please though, don’t tell kids to limit their imagination. Furthermore, don’t limit your own imagination. We can do better things with Roblox.


So excited for how developers will make use of this!

Roblox is definitely not going to abandon this feature, They’ve put way to much money and time into this feature and VR was added way to early in robloxs development, I presume they will resume and improve VR features few months after all of body deformation goes live.

  • Skinned Mesh (allows mesh deformation on character rigs + other objects) - Completed

  • Layered Clothing (Public Beta | Soon to go live in all experiences) - Public Beta

  • Dynamic Heads & Facial Animation (Preview Beta | est: 6 months from full beta release, I could be wrong so don’t quote me on that.) - Preview Beta

These are 3 key features that are expected to be introduced before any internal VR development is resumed.