EasyDataStores Developer Model

EasyDataStores Module

Documentation | Install Model Here

*Data Loss Prevention versions have been temporarily rolled back, All other features remain fine

What is this module?

EasyDataStores is a new data stores module that makes creating player datastores so much easier and in terms of setting up player data, REQUIRING 0 CODE and primarily utilising instances instead!

How to use?

You can simply download the module and import it into your Roblox Studio project and add values and set them to what you want their default value to be before moving them to PublicPlayerData (leaderstats) and/or HiddenPlayerData. HiddenPlayerData can also include having folders for saving tables of data!

Additionally, You can customize your player datastores using the settings feature. Here you can save the player backpack (including death and rejoin), Customise what propriety’s inside of a folder (in HiddenPlayerData) is saved or even putting the new Roblox Analysis Service Economy Tab to use with the EnableEconomyTracking setting and so much more!

How is this useful?

This is useful to both newly starting Roblox Developers to more experienced developers on the Roblox platform. Suddenly what used to require lot’s of code and constent debugging is suddenly fixed and you don’t need to programme much of it!

Known Limitations:

  • No data loss prevention. This was rolled back recently due to a huge bug however I am working hard to bring this bad!
  • You can only update values or move instances to player data by a server script. Local scripts will NOT work as the server cannot see changes made by the client.

Whats to come?

  • Allow for developers to have a set team of users that can view and edit other players data. I was hoping to include this on release but I ran into a few problems.
  • Fix any issues with the module that arise. Please let me know any issues or feedback about the module on this post

Video Explanation Version

For more infomation on how to use this module, Please refer to the documentation: Roblox EasyDataStores | EasyDataStores-RBLX
Install Model Here

*Data Loss Prevention versions have been temporarily rolled back, All other features remain fine

Extra information: Version 5, Non DLP, Updated March 8th 23:00pm GMT


The bug that would occasionally stop equipped tools from saving is now fixed and available on the Creator Store: https://create.roblox.com/store/asset/106705620802068/Easy-DataStores

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Implemented new additional attribute settings to CanSaveBackpack. The new settings are ‘SaveOnDeath’ and ‘SaveOnRejoin’ to allow for better customisations over player backpack saving.

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Just released version 1.3! This new version fixes issues with content in folders (StarterContent) inside HiddenPlayerData being duplicated every time a player joins the game. This issue should no longer continue!

Next year, I plan on allowing specific values and folders to either not save or save based on spesific conditions. Along side that I also plan on allowing for a non data loss prevention version being released as well as available on the creator store. Expect these changes early January!

Will be using this. I love that you implemented EconomyTracking abilities. Thank you for this module! Looks great!

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Just released version 4. What’s new?

  • You can now add “SaveOnDeath” and “SaveOnRejoin” boolean attributes to values and folders in PublicPlayerData and HiddenPlayerData. You don’t need to do this as by default both are set to true and this can be changed during gameplay via the player instence even if you did not add this yourself.
  • Fixed saving issues when CanSaveBackpack was enabled. You should now no longer see issues or errors when saving with this setting enabled. Additionally, This should also fix issues where player data would get fixed up.
  • Implemented an update alert, When a new version of EasyDataStores is released, you’ll see a warning in the output console telling you that there is a new version.

Hope you like this update! Get this version here: EasyDataStores(V1.4).rbxm (18.8 KB)

Fixes out now!

  • Rolled back Data Loss Prevention versions and replaced with Roblox Creator Store suitable normal version. The reason for this is because it could frequently misunderstand which player it’s saving to so if you are still using them versions then it’s recommended you switch or identify the issue within the DataLossPrevention module.
  • Everything else remains unaffected so why not get this now and check out the cool features the model has to offer!

Get it here - https://create.roblox.com/store/asset/103316900291503/EasyDataStores