EditableMesh rate limit?

I’m currently making an ocean system using editable meshes. I got this error:

Fetch Asset Error: HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests)

This is the line of code that causes it to error:

local EditableMesh : EditableMesh = AssetService:CreateEditableMeshAsync(Child.MeshContent)

Is there a way to find out what this rate limit is so I can avoid it, or is this yet another example of Roblox failing to provide documentation about something important?
Thanks :smiley:

This page,

It explains that, “EditableMesh currently has a limit of 60,000 vertices and 20,000 triangles. Attempting to add too many vertices or triangles will cause an error.”

All my meshes are wellllllll under that. Or is that 60,000 vert / 20,000 tris total?

How many tris & verts do you have?

No sure the total. But this seems to be happening now no matter what I try to set to an editableMesh. Even if I try to set an object with < 10 verts to an editableMesh, I’m now getting this error.

It seems to be a rate limit which is hilarious to me, considering that this should be entirely done on the client/server and shouldn’t be rate limited externally.

If that’s what’s happening it’s probably a rate limit.

But why lol

I understand if that’s the answer there’s nothing I can do about it. But that seems like one of the most pointless things I’ve seen in the engine – and this is Roblox Studio so that’s really saying a lot.

Let me know if I’m missing a reason.

Honestly I don’t know why, its kinda dumb.

I don´t know what you want to archieve but you could try the Gerstner Wave Module to make your ocean system.

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That is a current limitation with editable meshes. Every time you create a new one, it sends a network call to a server somewhere. Doing this too often will exhaust the network the same way calling any other network API, such as the datastore ones, would.

As a current work around, you can just keep retrying with a pcall and a little delay until the request succeeds.

The roblox team is planning on releasing an update soon which would mitigate this issue, allowing you to locally make editable meshes without any network calls.


At the time I made this post it was already running on that.
It just seems to be an issue when trying to create too many editable meshes at once.

Ah I see. I was searching for if there was any network requests and I couldn’t find anything on it. It makes sense that everything would be done locally, but I guess editable mesh is fairly new still so we should expect things like this.



Hey, so I’m noticing now that this rate limit is pretty extreme. If you hit it, the cooldown period seems to be extremely long.

Is the limit just per client, or is it across the entire game? Thanks.

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If the editable meshes are being made on the client, then the limit should be for only the client. At least in the real game.

Do note tho that the limit does not reset when you restart play mode, because it’s the network limiting you. I was able to get like 100 or so calls within a short period of time, but that exhausted pretty much the entire limit and it does take a bit to recharge.

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Oh and also, I need to look a bit more into it, but I think the update just dropped that allows you to make more editable meshes without network calls.

Good to know! Thank you very much. :smiley:

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