Egg Hunt 2019 Opportunity

You can apply solo or with a team.

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Yes you apply with more than one game


We will be reviewing applications as they come in so the earlier you apply the better chance you will be selected.


But wouldn’t it be a better idea to apply with a group?
If so, what would be a good place to ask around seeing if anyone needs a builder for their group application?

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Correct! We will look at the latest application you have submitted.


Can I apply as part of a team and solo? I already submitted a solo application and might now be joining a team.

That should be fine since there’s always updates with people ending up getting into a group rather than solo.
I’m not in a group atm but if there is a chance of me getting into a group, I feel like that’s fine.

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Our team (@SteadyOn, @Erythia, @endlessfun, and I) have applied!


Good luck to your group! :+1:


I submitted Roblox Battle (2018 Edition) for the event. Hopefully I will be able to keep it open source during the event.


Yeah, I saw that tweeted out a bit ago and loved the idea. Hopefully we get a Roblox battle egg remake.

Was that pun really necessary? uwu

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had to point this out

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A pretty small group right?
I wonder why its pretty small.

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They were pointing out the missing word. It makes sense for the team to be small since they’re just making a hub place, and have several months to do so. It’s not a large task, and doesn’t call for a large team.


Ah ok, I didn’t notice the error till you pointed it out.
From what they said, they only need a builder, ui artist, and a scripter.
Does that mean they have everything else already, including music?

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It says it requires a team to have those. To me, this means there may be music already, with room open for different music. I don’t know a definite answer, so if you need to know then ask.


You can have a sound guy if you want. It’s just that it’s typically easy to get sounds/music royalty-free so that is the alternative if you’re not making it yourself, or you have to sub-contract it to someone else.


I have another question:
Where would be a good place to find a group?

Right now its just me as a builder and I’d like to get a better chance at helping out with one of Roblox’s biggest events of the year.

I would love to do work on this and receive that cool virtual hat. Does anyone still need a Builder or UI designer?

I am interested in creating a Viking themed world (Or any other type of world :slight_smile: )

Is going solo an option if I cannot find a team