EnableMouseLockOption should NOT be deprecated

There’s a tool you can use to compare the api dumps of different channels.

Just came across this because my team was freaking out over figuring out how to turn off mouse lock in our game that does not require it at all. Really an unreasonable change since there’s no other visual setting to quickly adjust this and we have to resort to using code per player. Really odd move.


u can still access it but only via commanline


If you read the post, you’d know we want to be able to control whether it’s enabled or not. We don’t just want to disable it with a script. And not everybody can script, so they need the setting. Please keep disrespectful comments like this to yourself, or find a better way to express it.


Please read my post again, it explains how solutions (such as this one) do not solve the issue:


Didn’t even know this was getting depreciated.

I highly urge Roblox to not push forward with this, since the solutions that Roblox have pointed out are clearly not suitable and they need to bring a better solution.

Might have to push out an update to DisableCoreGUIFunctions removing the shift lock removal thing due to this being depreciated :sob:

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My previous post clearly does solve the issue of MouseLockOptionEnabled not being there, just because it is still an option in the menu doesn’t matter that much as it doesn’t work. Also, eventually they will implement something, I’m sure of it, so that it disables the display of the button like it matter lmao

For clarity reasons to players, I would obviously prefer the option to be hidden, this is still a regression in functionality.


If you want to have control over whether the ‘Mouse Lock’ option is enabled or not, you can consider creating your own mouse lock using the new function that replaced the deprecated ‘EnableMouseLockOption.’ By implementing a custom solution, you can achieve the desired control.

Therefore, you can MouseLock in any position of the screen and make it a lot better than the standard mouse Lock… This way, you can have direct control over the mouse lock functionality, although the option in the menu won’t allow switching it on.

… Okay? This is still different behavior. I don’t care about extra functionality, I could’ve coded my own mouselock system before this change if I really wanted. It is still a decrease in control over mouse locking. We lose the control to change how it appears in the menu.


It’s not so much a scripting issue, it’s more so that they took out a feature with no announcement and no actual gain for doing so. Also, that script is incredibly inefficient when a literal boolean toggle was its replacement.


Its still deprecated and will not be updated. Just like Frame.Draggable


I think roblox undone the change




This was un-done in Studio yet the documentation still states it is deprecated and suggests incorrect alternatives, therefore it is not 100% fixed yet.


well I gotta go reply to the typos and minor edits mega thread

edit: already did:

Yeah I noticed that yesterday as well, guess I’m not going to have to update DisableCoreGUIFunctions.

I do wonder whether this wasn’t done on accident though, considering a new menu is apparently rolling out.

This was recently reverted, however it is worth noting that shift-lock is likely to be deprecated soon!

Note that shift-lock related APIs are in the process of being deprecated, so it’s recommended to use UserInputService.MouseBehavior instead to lock the mouse.


How is the recommended thing there though the proper solution?

Roblox should not depreciate it until there is a viable solution.

You can easily script Mouse Lock using Camera Manipulation.

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