Typos & Minor Edits Mega-thread

Thanks for reporting @Uzixt @SpiritualSonicdash @ProBaturay @DailySuperboy7 - resolutions to your issues will be live on the site soon!


Found another:
StarterPlayer | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Thank you very much for letting us know. A fix will be live on the site soon!


Found a typo within the MemoryStoreService documentation. I would presume this is meant to say “limits”.

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Nice find Faber - I’ll get this resolved.


I noticed that StarterPlayer.EnableMouseLockOption still says that it’s deprecated even though you can still disable it :confused:


    1. In the Outlier, double-click and rename each bone. Bone object names remain the same when you import the mesh object into Studio.

The word outliner is misspelled

  1. Smoke doc

    I presume this is supposed to say “are only emitted”

  2. The TextChatCommand doc says to refer to In-Experience Text Chat to learn how to use TextChatCommands. However, In-Experience Text Chat does not give any information on TextChatCommands, nor does it even mention them.

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Data Stores, scopes section

I think it’s meant to be `User_1234`


Returns [ blank ], should return void:


The jump links which are used in the “on this page” menu have gotten out of synch in the Libraries section of the documentation.

For example, on this page https://create.roblox.com/docs/reference/engine/libraries/os the time() function is accessed by the jump link #time. However the menu on the right links to the jump link #os.time. Since that name/id doesn’t appear on the page the jump link doesn’t navigate.

The same problem seems to affect these nine pages.

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Thanks for flagging this! We’ll look into the discrepancy.

Update: That property is no longer deprecated, it’s active now. It is still recommended though to use UserInputService.MouseBehavior instead.

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Thanks for catching this! We’ll fix it.

  1. Yep- typo. We’ll fix it. Thanks!

  2. Good catch. This inaccuracy will be corrected.

@DucksAreYeIIow Pinging you to pass this little note that in the TextChatService, the commands in the CreateDefaultCommands > Usage Section are using backslash and not the common slash /:

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Thanks for this! This’ll be corrected shortly.

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Thanks for flagging this. The incorrect behavior has been fixed now.

On the TextBox documentation under FocusLost

TextBox.Focus isn’t an event of TextBox , it should be TextBox.Focused.


In Intro to For Loops, the same sentence is written twice.

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