Enabling VoiceChatService / Setting it to Enabled causes HUGE memory leakage


Direct Links: Provided the repro file, it was happening in here, 🌴Perris, California - Roblox but we disabled the VCApi for now.

Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 7900X 12-Core Processor (24 CPUs), ~4.7GHz
Memory: 65536MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 64696MB RAM
Page File: 43136MB used, 25655MB available
Windows Dir: C:\Windows
DirectX Version: DirectX 12
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Create baseplate
  2. Place game to 1-50 (voicechat limit)
  3. Enable VoiceChatService and Set API to enabled.
  4. Join / Reset and watch [Unknown] go crazy

Expected behavior

When players join/leave or even reset (meaning loadcharacter) the [Unknown] starts skyrocketing. We released a game with 35 players and it crashed / shutdown with 288 meaning server ran out of memory.

We removed every script, every localscript, everything you can think of in rep etc. Basically empty map ONLY, and having it enabled still caused the issue to occur. Once disabled the issue went away.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Also in the video typing in [Unkown in the F9 search bar fully bricks the F9 Console, and can’t be re-opened until rejoining.

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Hey @Ashi_Division, in the beginning of the video EnableDefaultVoice is false and UseAudioApi is Disabled, but prior to the Audio API, setting EnableDefaultVoice to false effectively turns voice chat off completely.

Does this high memory usage still occur with EnableDefaultVoice set to true but UseAudioApi disabled?


Let me try.

Ill be back with a video!

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Here you I tested both ways!

Looks like this (Causes leakage)


Thanks for testing; we’ll check it out to see where this memory usage is coming from


Thank you, if you really need us to run a server to get a crash log let me know!


Are you comfortable sharing a .rbxl?

I tried EnableDefaultVoice = false, and UseAudioApi = Enabled on a baseplate, and reset my character several times; this does not seem to reproduce the issue for me – so there must be more to it :thinking:


Yep just added you to the PV message with the other RBX Engineer. For some reason the PV message associated with this post acting funny.