Enroute | Training Trial Moderators

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Training Trial Moderators

:bulb: Trainings are made for Trial Moderators only to test their capability of their driving skills, moderation skills and their knowledge of our rules. This will be a guide for how you should train a Trial Moderator.

:bulb: Training Sessions should only be held by any members from our Management Team, driving skills, moderating skills and their knowledge of our rules will be provided below in detail of what you should look out for when training a fellow Trial Moderator.

:closed_book: We have a reserved private server for you in order to train your Trial Moderators, please use the code listed below in order to join the private server, do request your Trial Moderator to join using this code aswell.

Code: qPnTG

Training Procedure

:spiral_notepad: Before hosting the training session, please request your Trial Moderator to say in “C7RN” to ensure that they do not have any safe chat. Sadly, if they do have safe chat, they must be removed from our Discord server as they are underaged to use Discord.

Following the training session, the trainer may decide whether or not the Trial Moderator has passed, simply use the “!passed [User ID]” if they have passed in order to notify Senior Moderators that they may now be supervised.

If sadly, they have failed the training session, you may tell them what should be improved and tell them to try again tomorrow.

:blue_car: Driving Skills

You may determine their driving skills by requesting them to drive around, how they would react to stop signs, traffic lights and many more. The trainer must be in their car with them while they drive around.

To evaluate their driving abilities, they must complete at least two laps around the entire map. You can ask them to do anything, such as pull over to see if they will pull over in the middle of the road or at the side of the road.

:policeman: Moderating Skills

In this section of the training, you may determine their moderation skills by how they would react to you FRP’ing which they do not need to log it. Yes you read this correctly, you will purposely FRP in order to test of their reaction.

If they dealt with you accordingly, such as telling you the reason why you are getting warned and what you improve, they have successfully passed this section of training and may move on to the last.

:scroll: Knowledge of Rules

Finally, the last section of the training section, you may ask questions listed below to determine their knowledge of our rules here in Enroute. You may ask any additional questions but questions below is necessary to question.

It is required that Trial Moderators must answer at least (12/15) of these questions correctly; this also relies on how the trainer views them overall and how they responds to questions.

  • What is VDM?
  • How do you log a warning?
  • What colors do staff drives to patrol?
  • How do you check for nearby players?
  • What is a violation of the Roblox Community Guidelines?
  • How many players considers as gang roleplay?
  • You have access to the “:m” command, what should it be used for?
  • You keep getting calls, can you mute my phone during moderating?
  • You kicked a player due to three warnings, what should be done after that?
  • You happened to found a staff member FRP’ing, what should you do?
  • What considers as a major punishment and should be kicked without warning?
  • You happened hear a banned firearm being fired nearby, what would you do?
  • You happened to see a player pull out a gun after multiple guns were pointed at them, are there any moderation needed?
  • You happened to see a player withdrawing a pistol without gun motion, are there any moderation needed?
  • A player decides to evade you repeatedly even you used the “:tp” command multiple times, what would you do?

:closed_book: These questions are subject to being changed at anytime, please do check this guide time to time whenever you’d like to train a Trial Moderator.

:tada: This is the conclusion for training new Trial Moderators that is still awaiting training, please do assist our Trial Moderators if they require any help. If our fellow members from our Management Team+ has any questions or concerns regarding this guide, you are free to ask around staff members!

Thurs 12, 2021
Modified by peurceds