EventCode BETA | Code without coding!

This isn’t a feature yet. But thanks for the idea! I will put this on my list and add it as soon as I can!


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Tweens would be pretty complex, but if you added that it’d really allow more capability!

Actually, moving and rotating parts are using tweens. I’m making it right now so you can set the length of these tweens.

Yeah, being able to edit the tween properties in tween info would be nice.

I’m not planning to use eventcode, but it seems like an amazing thing and just wanted to give some ideas/feedback

I always appreciate every idea or feedback at my plugins!

Thank you!

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EventCode got some new features!

  • Resize parts
  • Delayes

I added some tutorials too, make sure to read them because things changed!

Thanks for everybody who is using EventCode! You are motivating me to not give up!

Please, please report every bug here or in private message! If you don’t report, I can’t fix it!

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Great plugin, looks pretty useful in some scenarios.

too lazy to read the rest of the replies so I apologize if this is duplicated

My suggestion is that you add more events related to the player that touched as well. Some of the following would be cool:

  • Kill the Humanoid
  • Change Character Properties (e.g HipHeight)
  • Change Lighting Properties (e.g TimeOfDay)

Even better, add the ability to link scripts already made. For an example, add an option called “Link Script” and then having the developer click on a script to link it with your action. While this may require edits of the actual script itself, it’d be pretty useful. (or you can have the developer disable the script and have it enabled when it’s time to do so)

These are very good ideas!
Tbh it’s hard to implement them in a user-friendly way. But the lightning(time of day etc.) is genius, I will add that! The kill humanoid thing is good too!

Thanks for the ideas!


Thanks for adding my suggestion! Also could you make it so u can edit the code like if you click on a part that you added code to if you could edit it.
Happy developing
Also ive noticed something im not sure if im doing this wrong but when i try to use the new resize code thing it wont work i have 3 parts then i add the left click code to one then resize to anothe then i set the value is there something im doing wrong or is it a a glitch?

Looks like something I used before…in a different engine. This looks good for beginners but it looks kinda limited.

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Can you show a video of the glitch happening?
Maybe it isn’t a glitch, just something new.

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Sure be wary though i used the recorder roblox came with also sorry for the late reply i was sleeping.

Also i cant make the video of me clicking the button to work ive been trying to convert it to a mp4 in blender for about 30 minutes but its just really glitchy for some reason maybe do what the video shows and it might have the same problem i dont know happy developing!

The value you need to enter is the time the resize will take (in seconds). The second part’s size is going to be the third part’s size.

Let me make a screen record.

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i made it 10 seconds and clicked it still doesnt work.

External Media

Just do the same thing I did in this record, and see what happens :wink:

I did the same thing still doesnt work does the 3rd part need to be scaled?

Yes, just do the same thing you’ve seen in the video. Make the size of the parts the same as in the video.

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I found out lol this will be very helpful for my game because im making a meltdown type game if you have ever played one.
And happy developing!

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I have a suggestion! Add model support! so you can use multiple parts at one time!
Happy developing!

Please flag remembered_goodbye

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Yep, Model support is on my list, but it’s very hard to implement

I flagged him already

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