Expanded UI Elements for Roblox (Dropdowns, Sliders, etc)

would be incredible if they add that and would unlock much more possibilities for us, developers… Roblox pls add this :pray: (hoping they add it)


I agree, if they added more UI elements people could make very cool things with it and it would open up a lot of things


I would like to not deal with the hassle of making these! These features will save a ton of time for many developers looking to make menus, whether for testing or actual production.


Agreed! I’m working on a train system and its got 2 slider GUIs one for Drive Mode and another for throttle and I’d love if I didn’t have to code these and if I could just use some built in feature for it!

FYI, already coded but I need to modulize it so I don’t have to have double ups of code.


And more scrolling frame scaling support. Or simply just a button for the UI to look the same on all devices.


I would prefer scrolling frames to have the same scrolling effect as Page Layouts so that we can combine that with grid layouts or even list layouts.


Roblox UI is pain litteraly but this is a good idea!


you can make them yourself, that’s kind of the point of the engine

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And for people that… DONT want to spend time scripting a dropdown UI? It would just be easier if there were more options. I think everyone can agree most UI aspects are slightly outdated are rarely updated on roblox


You know it really doesn’t take long to make 1 component to use across all of your projects.


It would take even less time if Roblox would implement a dropdown feature as-well!


This would be insanely helpful, UI elements like these can be a pain when trying to make things work on all platforms perfectly.


roblox needs more love for it’s UI system!!!


Ye it sall be great an function in scrolling frames that not the size from objects bigger made when you change the canvas size

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that’s why there’s a section on the forum called community resources.
Plus, the whole toolbox.

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support, besides sliders and dropdowns are extremely easy to create


I truly don’t know why you are trying to be different and disagree. For people that dont know what devforum is and dont like toolbox?? It would just be easier if they had a dropdown option.


aint i free to express my opinion like you express yours ?

Plus, there’s a big number of ways you can do a dropdown or slider menu. If Roblox added a specific way to be used that limits the creativity for others to make it. Roblox used to be a platform where you would use a modular system to add elements but it dident scale well, that’s why they decided to not limit people to a certain way of making stuff but to fully let them use every single part of the resource.

An example for that is the Roblox CORE Backpack where you hold your items. Its not the best thing and now days most people try to get rid of it just to make their own inventory system.

That’s why i think that community sourced resources will be better than Roblox just handing you features. Cause lets be honest, when Roblox hands you a feature is not that easy to manipulate once its made.

Im still upset that i cant fully customize the player chat frame just because its really hard to disassemble it and then reassemble it in a custom manner basically remaking the whole thing with a ton of scripts.


What I would really love is one of those circle things like on proximityprompts. They are possible to make but hard.

Also, having actual circles instead of weird looking rounded corner things that are not very circular.