Experience Chat for Console Now Available with TextChatService

Reminder that we’re about to have the hunt mega edition

Anyways this update is way overdue, but at least it’s finally here


Would a community resource be adequate? I guess it depends on how much devs can do with the new service.

I could make something like Rocket League where the D-Pad input has different things that are put in chat. It doesn’t sound too hard actually. Would that help/fit what you’d like?

I’ve made a baseline project here: Quick Chat for Gamepad (A Baseline).

Good update, but why did this take you so long?

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It’s nice that the engineers ported chat to Xbox & Playstation! I appreciate this update to console. I wonder, can it be possible to bring message reporting to Xbox & PlayStation?

Yes, there is an event that replaces it as far as I know. You can use TextChatService.BubbleDisplayed instead of Chat.Chatted. Also, instead of Chat:Chat(), you can use TextChatService:DisplayBubble() to display a bubble. (Edit: There is also a TextChatService.MessageRecieved event if you want to hook it up to a received message.) I will link the documentation right here if you forgot.


Can I get some signal here? It is frustratingly difficult to get a hold of chat team people now to advise on how to proceed regarding core features in my experience that relied on the server having a method of receiving chats to work with them. TextChatService gutted every server capability except for a single function that can be set which under certain circumstances silently fails.

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This is great and all, but I can’t disable console chat on my Xbox. Can there please be a setting added for it? I don’t want to see this giant UI cover the screen and not be able to close it. Because on other devices you can close the chat window and you can’t on console.

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There should be a way already, though not intuitive IMO. (pressing R1 from in the Roblox/gamepad menu)

A user should be able to resize the chat window. I hope they add that.

Finally, now I won’t see people not responding to chat msgs because half of them are console users!

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While those events are present (and while I now have some other plans for BubbleDisplayed since I never knew that existed, thank you!), MessageReceived only works on the client, in which I’d assume BubbleDisplayed would be the same way (and also wouldn’t be what I’m looking for in case someone wants to hide their message with /e)

I’m specifically asking for something serverside for something like admin scripts. I’d really want to avoid making a system that makes the client send over messages by a remote to the server to validate and act on commands, in which that same remote could be abused by anyone who finds out about said remote.

Not to mention, while there are TextCommands, I have my heavy doubts on it running hundreds, maybe thousands of commands without a hitch and with a proper way to detect if someone is allowed to run it. Not to mention the setup and tie-ins, but I guess that’s a project to undertake should a proper .Chatted replacement not exist.

Amen. Entirely.

I think this is a consequence of Studio using the new Experience Controls but not Consoles, and I would guess that it’ll work once the team working on it launches it for consoles. I would suggest filing a bug report


and on the 6,767th day, we were granted console chat


I thought you just said R1 which doesn’t make sense because you use that to switch tools. But now I see what you mean because I just played today and discovered it.

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this is a really cool update! i was talking to someone from my Xbox!

amazing! gonna test when i get home, but does it get a cooldown like normal chatting if you spam it too quickly? on other roblox quick chat systems they usually bypass the spam cooldown

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Not yet, but I’ll work on it right after lunch. I assume stopping the bypass would mean the checking spam is all on the server. If you have any other suggestions, I’d love to hear them!

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seems to work now, maybe it was just a studio thing

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Nice but why did we have to remove legacy chat? Most useless removal EVER


Exactly, I really wish and hope for them to stop ignoring our concerns and actually do something to address them.

It’s ridiculous that many of the frontend and some backend bugs related to TextChatService have been reported for a very long time and most still remain to be unaddressed and ignored.

Additionally, the performance issues has been reported back as far as March 2023 and they still remain to be unaddressed after ~2 years.

This is all without the fact that a lot of features and use cases are missing from TextChatService and which would affect a fair amount of games when TextChatService gets completely removed next month.