Experience Guidelines: Age Recommendations & Parental Controls

Not crazy. By then most games will have their guidelines verified, I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes a requirement.


Does this mean we can include blood in our games without it having to be toggleable if the game is set for 13+?


Nudity? It feels like quite a stretch to go from kids and everyone platform to adult games with nudity platform.


This is a great addition to the moderation. I believe that it will help show player’s what is involved in the game that they are about to join, and for parent/child safety on the platform. Just please fix the actual chat moderation bot and everything will be great lol.

Thanks Roblox. =D


Well this is an interesting update. So i don’t have any complains on Aging recommendation system so thats fine except there are some caveats.

Thinking about this is a little bit awkward. But the Account PIN codes sucks for me

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Pretty sure that ID verification would be required by law to prevent issues like this.
I think steam does something similar too to verify the account holder’s age but I might be wrong.


At least for me, all you have to do on Steam is just fill in your age to access mature games. There is no ID I had to fill out to access those kind of games. Because Valve (company that founded/owns steam) is headquartered in the northwestern United States, I don’t believe there is any legislation on mandatory ID verifications as of this post in the United States. Roblox likely will require it themselves, but I don’t believe that they are being forced to by the US government.


I’m amazed. Simply amazed. I never thought Roblox would ever actually pull this off.



I concerned about it, some games are banned due to living country, South Korea. It need some solutions for players who was playing before this update.

That picture above this game is Blox Fruits, which is known for koreans.
It is just start of the update, many of game will restricted by ridiculous policy update.

We want any kind of alternation.


That’s not related to age recommendations, rather due to the game policies in your country.

The game has selected that they don’t respect the policy APIs, so the game has restricted access.

To enable access, the developers have to implement the policy API to disable banned parts of the game, and then take the questionnaire again.

tl;dr - Roblox didn’t do anything wrong here, it’s up to the developers & South Korea’s government


Yes, I know about that issue (we can’t change a law lol), however, there should be more info that the reason of restricting access.

It can mislead players not only South Korea players, including Belgium, Netherlands, etc.


Odd, I don’t get why the wouldn’t allow it? They literally don’t even sensor a bunch of words either. (e.g. damn, hell etc. are allowed, might only be for 13+ chat filtering, though).

They should honestly allow it in games set to 13+.


This is a good update, and I like it. But only bad thing is that if you set your birthday wrongly you might not be able to play some games.


Does this mean we will get less Players?

I totally understand what you guys are going for and I like this update, But we are still going to get less Players, Though I like this update, it makes the platform Safer & better.

Also, what if someone account age is 13> But he is 13+ & he can’t change it?

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At RDC 2022, David was asked the question “Would this punish the experience?” and quote: “I think it’s gonna go the other way when we understand how old someone is, and what they’re interested in … I think we’re gonna better align all of that, I don’t see it at all being a penalty. If anything, this will be one of the additional signals we’ll use to line up things with discoverability”

TDLR; This should really help discovery in recommending to the right audience.

If you have access to David’s Q and A, it’s at the timestamp: 10:14.


Just tested it: it seems to be a yes.

I just changed my age recommendation from “9+” to “all ages”, and the player count increased with more than 200%.

Side note: this was only a test on one game. Possibly other developers can test the differences too?


This is the update Roblox really needed in the current state of the platform, this provides developers with more creative freedom to appeal to the target audience they want. Hopefully one day it expands to 17+ like the full ESRB rating system as the platform continues to age up.

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in my opinion, the chat from 13+ experiences should have less moderation for hard swears, and no moderation for medium swears


Maybe being more constructive will lead to a better experience for you.


Glad to see this implemented ESRB style. I’m hopeful that the analytic of >50% of players being 13+ will give us leverage to attract more mature audiences into our games… Perhaps a boost in homepage visibility?