Exploit Prevention Update

This is the part where Roblox became Heisenberg.


This is just an excuse for Synapse to be able to shutdown without having to refund anybody, the Synapse developers are all kids that are skids who used free code to make synapse. It’s really easy to make an injector (or at least back then).

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Ultimate plot twist.

This is prolly the good ending for Synapse, I imagine Roblox would’ve probably resulted to legal action of some kind.

Hey, you seem a little bit angry that your synapse has been taken away. I feel a little bit bad, do you want a cookie?

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Have you ever programmed something? I doubt developers of Synapse are little kids, sure kids use it but that doesn’t mean the devs are too.
Also, to make an injector, you have to know how to reverse engineer, it’s not Luau scripts at that point


Crazy plot twist ngl hopefully it’ll turn out great

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roblox really did a “if we cant beat them join them” :skull:


its almost sad to see it finally die, but i’d probably shed more tears if the exploiting community wasn’t so irrepairably toxic beyond belief nowadays.
it definently peaked when it was about letting yourself become a godlike deity and turning children in adopt and raise games into a fine mist with orbital cannons

what is quite unfortunate (for me, at least) though is being unable to inspect people’s maps under different lighting/angles/view in private with some of the fullbright & freecam scripts out there. helped a lot whenever i needed inspiration or just to admire other people’s work. i feel like roblox should implement that as a feature for private servers since it’s pretty much impossible now

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roblox really fought fire with fire

Did you know that not every codebase is perfect? There will always be new vulnerabilities that you don’t know of until you’re attacked.

It doesn’t matter how much money they have;


Nice plot twist.

Shame that you kind of wasted your money on Byfron who created a anticheat which was bypassed so quickly.

Should have tried this strategy with teaming up with your enemies from the start.

I’m pretty sure those are fine, they don’t modify the client itself and are a bit more like a bunch of settings you can tweak, you don’t even need an external application to use them, it’s just something the client supports (you can even modify them manually with a ClientSettings.json file in the right place).

You guys should license out Hyperion to other game companies because it seems to be working very well

Now this changes EVERYTHING. I’ve been surprised by some recent updates but I NEVER saw this coming. But if this goes the way they say it will, this will only be for the better. I am beyond sick and tired of the years of nonsense involving Roblox exploiting. It’s been a problem for far too long. Either way, I am glad to finally see a good update.

This is very surpising! Never in a million years did I see Synapse partnering with Roblox… I am shocked.

I really hope it makes anti cheat better so we don’t have to waste times on coding anti cheat

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I don’t know but it seems to me that this is a trap

synapse and roblox collab is CRAZY lmao
as everyone is saying this is the funniest collab



Another W by Roblox. This is completely unexpected and extremely good for the future of Roblox!

does this mean ill see 3dsboy08 at rdc