Exploit Prevention Update

Not pleased that Roblox is partnering with a corporation whose employees have sold its users data to bad actors, including mine.

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This changes nothing, now that synapse is officially over its calling a crown position for other cheat makers to come in and swoop.

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Wait what :face_with_raised_eyebrow:, I did not expect that… This is cool!

Main point is that Synapse X was a good exploit tool, and since they acquired their dev team, they might find and patch anything that could be used to exploit.

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That is a W to the Roblox community. I can’t believe the fact that Roblox partnered with the best exploiter of all time.

If you can’t beat them, join them.

synapse partnering with roblox is crazy

never expected that, but exploiting would probably be dead which is a good thing for game developers trying to protect games from script/remote tampering (but bad news if you want to debug games)

Synapse X partnering with Roblox is a true showcase that money wins over everything.

How much we saying Syanpse X got paid?

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Synapse, one of the most popular amongst the exploiting community now made a major turnaround and now they are working together with Roblox?!

This was one of the weirdest (but really great) things to happen after a while.

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This seems like something that would get rid of like a very high percentage of the exploiters that exist! Hopefully this shows a huge drop in exploiters!

Best of all, we can worry less about our games getting stolen and about having to create anti cheats and things.

Roblox might be able to do some kind of trick to let players use synapse in their own games. Would be a good thing if that does happen for devs to be able to use exploits in their own game to test things.

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no no, we actually want it

just think, only the auhors of all that stuff know how to fix it, with them working now on the good side, things would get much better

obviously they are under contract which means they must have get paid a shit ton of money, which means they will do their job

sure they are probably responsible for most of the exploiting for years, but think about it like a government pardon lol

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After many years, this platform finally addressed an issue which was running rampant for too long. In my honest opinion, I feel like they couldn’t have handled the situation any better. Truly proud of this step towards a safer and more fun Roblox.

Proud of Roblox for making a promise on RDC and following through.


I really hope that there will be significantly fewer exploiters or none at all, they really interfere with players in many modes, and it’s infuriating.

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Smart move paying attention to Sensei Wu’s teachings. S+

Looks like, exploiter have their end here. Finally all experiences will be playable.

No they don’t , they can possible temporary end exploits for 1 month but exploits like krnl will find an bypass

was rumoured for months, finally came out

This is the nightmare for the exploiters that ruin the game. Now we don’t need to make an anti-cheat anymore. Good work Roblox

yeah so because of hyperion??? if it wasn’t for hyperion they’d be fine??? do you even realize what you’re saying here

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Yea, tried to play mm2. And this happened…