Failed to load animation - sanitized ID

bro you are not reading aswell LOL we just said it was an roblox issue that’s not being upset it’s the fact you guys not reading what we saying “own all animations” it’s pretty easy to read

? dude, i get this error all the times i dont care if you own it i experience the same and fix it by reuploading it


reuploading anims won’t help you that’s what you not understanding either roblox have to fix the issue

reuploading anims won’t help you my guy… that’s what you not understanding either…
roblox haave to fix the issue

reuploading animations helped me

just try the following things

  • if you don’t own the game tell the person that owns it to upload the animation

  • if your game is on a group upload the animation to that group

  • if your game is from your profile you reupload it

if none of these at ALL worked then its roblox’s connection to your server


no what you didn’t realize is this is why the failed sanitized is happening and i stated that from the beginning with the first person " you can be the ownership of said animations but it wont load your ANIMATIONS" You Do Not Have Ownership Of Animation With The Selected Id - #17 by FoxwelI and it’s not a connection to the server it’s roblox in general if my game WAS WORKING FINE before the roblox update why would it be my connection i clearly said it worked fine before rejoining :confused:

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Pretty sure this isn’t a roblox issue and it is related to scripts, I had this yesterday, after respawning it worked.

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it’s a roblox issue people are reporting it still and just read the comment before yours it explains alot

If the id is a known valid id then you are correct, there is nothing to fix, the animation just failed to load for whatever reason. It may not fail the next time you try. The wording of the error message is confusing. ‘Sanitized’ doesn’t mean anything was wrong with it as a roblox rep states here:

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I have read the comment before posting, and reporting stuff is normal.

Roblox will NOT fix a bug with your specific assets. The entire platform is buggy, and it’s rare to find something that will actually be fixed.

People on this forum are trying to help you and you are seem to have an idea that they are required to provide any help to you when they aren’t, stop being so disrespectful to people trying to help you.

I’ve had this issue several times, it is a pain, you need to reupload the animations. It’s not going to be fixed by Roblox. They won’t even fix blatant documentation mistakes, they aren’t going to bother fixing this bug, this is 2023, not 2016, they don’t care.


it works ingame, trust me i had this

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this started happening to me the last few days for a ton of animations I own/created myself under the correct name etc.

is there any fix yet… im having tihs exact same issue.


Upload it to a group, that’s the only way it seems like, fixed it for me


roblox please fix this is happening to every animation

uploading to yourself will make it take a while but to group is instant for some odd reason they need to fix this indeed

Uh. Apparently this was fixed a few days ago, according to a Roblox staff. Scroll all the way down on this.

People were getting mad about this.

I think if you made the animation before the bug was fixed it wont work. But any you made after they said it was fixed, should work.

I made one after it was fixed and it loaded fine.
All the ones from during the bug didn’t show a play logo and gave me the same error.

Try saving the animation under a new name, maybe that’ll work if you really want to keep them.

Your feelings hurt?? Cause I told him to just read I can see you can’t read either

I think you should pause, read my post again.
I understand your dissapointed and everyone else experiencing this was disappointed too.

You will “Own your animation” when you reupload, as buddy said.

Roblox said they fixed the bug. Now its up to you to go through your animations and resave the ones that got affected.

From that point on you should be good.
No reason to get mad at people who are trying to help you.