Feedback on homestore

What did I do well in this homestore build and how could I improve further?

Some Images if you’re too lazy to visit:

And yes, I’m aware that I forgot to anchor wedges, no need to point that out because I’m dumb.

(Note: New materials were used in the images, thanks to those who made them so good!


Hey, good start! I really like the warm atmosphere to the homestore which gives a welcoming feel.
When you get to adding clothes make sure there is a try-on option since this is essential in homestores. I’d also recommend using stairs instead of escalators to reduce lag.

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This is a great build; it’s among the best I’ve seen in Roblox Studio.

Everything about it I like, but there are a couple things aside from the anchoring.

Both escalators are moving up. This is likely just a minor oversight, but you should have one going up and the other going down.

I also tested out the lag reduction, and I noticed that there is no way to turn the graphics back up after turning them down without leaving and rejoining.

Yeah, I’ll sort that out. I forgot to change 1 variable in my script!!!

I’ll add that in later. I got a comission today for a bus terminus, so depending on whether I get hired that’ll change the hours I do it in.

Actually, because of the construction of staircases, and the fact that escalator steps are meshed, did you know that escalators are actually fractionally less laggy than staircases in my builds?

This looks amazing, i love the detail that the sun is going down.

I mean it looks like that on the first picture.

Edited build to address some issues. Reduce lag thing uses :Destroy(), so I may change it at a later date.