Feedback on my models

Hey there! I’m new to the DevForum and this is my first time posting!

I’m making this game called Rapid Railways. It’s a Czech/Hungarian train simulator that takes place in 7 different countries!

I would like some feedback on the model trains i made not too long ago! Constructive criticism is cool too!

Here are the trains I’ve made so far. I’m working on more but those will be out soon

I hope you like them! Thanks for reading :slight_smile:


Looks great, i love the low poly designs it really brongs out the vibes :ok_hand:. Keep the good work!!!


The train models are very well made! I like the design, you could
add some train tracks and lights overall Great Job!


Wow thank you, thank you all! I have added the lights to the loco’s, I’ve made the track but I’m still trying to configure the size it should be with the wheels of the trains so they don’t derail when i test them out. The tracks are still a work in progress but overall thanks! :grinning:

These trains were a real pain to make and took about 40 minutes - an 1 hour on average to make. So thank you for your feedback :slight_smile:


I remember making a Szili as well

Note this is an old photo. The model will be remade soon

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Those wheels are the only thing i dont like, really. The colors are also a bit too solid.

Hey there! Sorry about that, I’m new to texturing and im not good with shading. Also sorry if the wheels are too basic for your liking. But I’m going to keep them for now. I’ll update them in the future. So sorry for the inconvenience

Not to mention the fact that these are the first good trains I’ve ever made.