Feedback on my newly designed logo

Hello developers!

Today I got bored and decided remake and improve a logo which is included in my group logo based off my avatar’s head and neck, so what do you think of it? How should I improve it?


All feedback is appreciated.

Have a good day!


Its really cool but its bright. Better than what I can make for sure.


I love it! Both a cartoony look to it and 3D at the same time, ain’t professional in this type of art but from a viewer’s point of view I really like this new icon. I don’t think it’s too bright as the reply above me said, You are definitely gonna want to add some text below it with your group’s name or something. Overall super cool!


It looks good from a far, but up close, you can see it’s badly cropped, the lighting is a bit lazy and just cuts off, and it seems to just be a filter.

I’d give about a 5/10, needs quite a bit of work, seems a bit lazy.


I love the art style. What software did you use to create this masterpeice!

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Hello there, @imanuggetgod!

I used Adobe Photoshop Express, Pixilr E and Roblox Studio to create this.

Hey there, @ImTheBuildGuy!

Thanks for the feedback!

The reason it looks badly cropped up close is because I used the “green screen background transparent” method to make the background transparent.

Also, I will try finding ways to make the lighting not be so lazy looking. Thanks for the feedback, it helps alot!

Have a great day (or night)!

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Thank you. Amma look into it and try it out! Keep up the artwork buddy!

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