Feedback on my Pirate Island!

Is this REALLY roblox?
Also 10/10 Amazing builder and modeler.


Looks very good, I love the mix between low poly and ‘realistic’ terrain.


This looks really good! I see you took my advice in your post about the ship to make the cannons round! By the way, how did you make that water?


I didn’t even know it was roblox! Those boats look so nice


It is a four layer water, I can teach you if you want

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Looks amazing. I really love it, especially the ship!


Ok, I would like for you to teach me!

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Give me a bit I will make a forum on it I guess


Hi! Yeah, the cannons look better now, thanks! And I’ve made the water following a Youtube tutorial

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This is awesome! Love the low poly look. The pirate ship looks great!

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Only 2 things, first thing is that the roblox terrain looks disgusting with low poly style like that, and you should scale down the size if that texture for the water


I can see what you’re saying about intermixing roblox terrain with low poly style. I don’t think it necessarily looks disgusting, but they do contrast each other quite a bit and can be quite difficult to blend into 1 scene or game. One example is the low poly rocks, they stand out like a sore thumb against the terrain. I have seen some low poly almost modular platforms that people use for terrain that works pretty well. That might be a good approach.

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I actually like how it looks with the Roblox terrain. It gives it a not too cartoonish look. I have heard that Roblox Studio is going to get updated so that we can customize our terrain materials sometime soon!


I’m interested in this, do you happen to have a link. I’d like to read about it if they have anything available.

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It looks great! One thing I would change is do different sized and shaped trees for better variety. Other than that I think it’s amazing.


This is where I heard it from. I haven’t been able to find anything about this besides In this post though.


Looks amazing, the cartoony style looks great, and I love how you’ve used the new clouds too! One thing I’d say though is the low-poly rocks don’t go too well with the terrain rock material. Other than that, awesome!

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The scene looks great :+1:
Did you make each asset in this scene?
Did you use mesh with texture for water?

I am not sure but, try adding 1 more cannon to the top of that small mountain
place those three at the top each facing separate direction! and see if that looks good


@Socks347 made a post about how to make that water.
How to make foam water


The amount of talent builders on this game have is incredible.

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