Feedback on my ski resort?

Any ideas on what I could add or improve? (I also have no idea why the website has decided to crop the pictures. EDIT, click on the photos to see more details.)

Sannine Zenith Ski Resort Moved to here, check for recent updates + posts.


What is the green structure on the right of the first pic?

It looks pretty realistic however the trees look out of place compared to the terrain (might just be me) Good luck, and I canā€™t wait to see where you take this! Perhaps add a :coffee: cafe :coffee: where skiers can warm up after a run?


Itā€™s the ski lift (the thing that powers the lift). What do you mean by the trees look out of place? I havenā€™t currently finished placing down all the trees, so it might still look odd.

I am also adding a village near the slope so that will be good :slight_smile:


Maybe thatā€™s why, but I meant to say that the terrain looks a bit low poly imo whereas the trees are really realistic. I think a bit of tweaking with the terrain ought to do it. (or the problem is just me, and in that case, ignore me)

Also, the village will probably make this showcase much better. Are players going to be able to go inside it, or is it just exterior?
Just be sure they have heaters so they donā€™t freeze to death :fire: :snowboarder::fire:

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Nice chairlift but here are a few things that I have found.

  1. The trees look very similar and duplicated
  2. The run appears to not have different terrian. Rright now It looks like a white coloured sand baseplate rotated to 25Ā° and trees duplicated on top to create a run feel. To correct this add mini baseplates around the run at different angles to make the mountain feel more sereal.

Some of my advice May be mistaken because I canā€™t really see the run really well. Do you mind providing more screenshots of the ski resort?

:wink: Great job so far!


People will be able to go inside it. It will be interior too. I think its just you.


Iā€™d have to agree with the first point. Iā€™ll try and make them more larger and rotate them. I disagree with your second point, however, because the snow is textured, its not the default roblox texturing. I will try and make the runs more interesting, Iā€™ve already started on my second run which is more advanced, and goes in different directions. Thanks for your feedback :slight_smile:

EDIT: I was also on level 1 graphics due to my PC lagging on full graphics, which oddly doesnā€™t happen in games. On full graphics it looks surreal, and the snow texture looks almost real.


I donā€™t think itā€™s just him, the trees do look a bit out of place to me. I wouldnā€™t worry about changing them right now though, I think that part of what makes them look out of place is the simplicity of the trail (as mentioned above, how it lacks variation in the slope). I think once the terrain itself becomes more interesting and varied, the more realistic trees will fit right in.

Looks great so far! :slight_smile:


Already added extra detail on the slopes, made them more ā€˜slopeyā€™! Thanks for the feedback everyone :slight_smile:

Anyone know where i can find some good textures (for like ski trails?)

Here is a resources that you can. Find some good textures on!


Can you please add photos of the new slopes? Iā€™d love to see them!


Apologies for the late reply:

(You might not be able to see the last two clearly but I will assure you in Studio it looks breathtaking.)

UPDATE, as of 24th of September 2019

Have moved from mesh terrain to in-Game terrain due to the new hightmap feature.


The ski-resort looks pretty good, but I have a few suggestions regarding the landscaping and background.

  • First suggestion would be to add some rocks around the trees.

  • Second Suggestion would be to add some snow particles or wind sound effects because a ski-slope is usually windy and snow coming down from the wind into people view.

  • My last suggestion would make the game look a little more detailed, and thatā€™s by mixing up the trees. You can rotate them around, making some taller, and some bigger. Maybe even using different trees.

Overall, I hope my suggestions help you on your Ski-Resort! Good luck with the builds! :smiley:


Some have said the trees already, but I think thatā€™s probably one of the most important details that could be changed. Just having some variation of the types of trees would drastically improve the build.


Your (ski-resort) looks very decent, and well detailed like everything you added to the map. Here is a couple of things to add to your map to improve it. More better as by looking at it it doesnā€™t have that much details to your map!!

Your snow terrain looks quite good, however snow mountains have some of the rocks showing at the top of the mountain parts and different areas. You could add that to your terrain to look more better as looking at yours the whole map, is filled with just snow!! As you can see below for a example of what i meanā€¦


Your map doesnā€™t have. That much trees as seen on the (3rd Picture) there is only a couple of trees you have added by the building part, i would recommend you add some more trees on the mountain part. And add a bit of snow on the branches/leave part. So it could look like it snowed around that area! Also you could add some piles of snow by the tree part, that well look more better.

I think the building looks really detailed like everything you added to it. However there seems to be no stand for the "Ski Poles and the ā€œSki boardā€. To go you could implement that inside your map! or is it inside the building overall, the building looks really goodā€¦!


Other then that, keep up the good work man hope to. See more of your very soon.


Good suggestions, I agree with them, also the reference you added towards the end would make a good detail for the map. Good suggestions! :smiley:


Thanks, I have 6 different types already, so ill use all 6!

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Thanks all, will add on to this as Iā€™m planning to start a sort of ski race thing where people can enter into as teams.

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That sounds great! 6 different types should really improve the build.

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