Sannine Zenith Ski Resort

Hi everyone. I hope your enjoying your day or night! Over the last year, I’ve been working on building and scripting a realistic ski resort! I’ve moved games twice, and due to school, unfortunately my progress has been really slow. But thats not the matter here!

I plan to release it in February 2020 - March 2020, and its currently Work In Progress!! I also plan it to be one of (or the most) realistic ski resort currently on Roblox!
The Ski resort will include two villages, each with a bus route linking them. I’m having a bit of trouble right now with scripting (I’m not a expert at scripting Lua, but alright with Python and other languages :/)

Anyway, enough said! Here are some screenshots c:

|--------------------------Nov 2019 Updates ------------------------|

|--------------------------Jan 2020 Updates ------------------------|

Feb and March 2020

JAN 2022 UPDATE: Unfortunately I am no longer working on this project. I may choose to restart in the future but for now it is stopped. I may open the game in the near future for you to explore though.

I’m open to suggestions! Just leave them below :slight_smile:
Have a good day/evening!


Well made buildings and scenery. Apart from the logo mentioned above, i wouldn’t change much. Great Job!


This looks really good. I’m looking forward to seeing it when it get released. But yeah what they said above. Only change I think needs to be done is to the logo. The Blue part of the snowflake on the edges looks like part of it is still white. And that is was just colored in with a wrong sized paintbrush in Photoshop.
But other than that, this looks great man.

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This builds are awesome! You should have success with your game!

:+1: Keep It up!

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Just updated this post with photos above c:

A problem I see is on the landing for the top of the hill. The chairlift doesn’t have a landing so when you try to get off you’ll get hit by the chairlift instead of sliding down.


These buildings are amazing, you’ve improved it a lot over the past few months. You should add mist to the build, it’ll make it look a lot more peaceful and realistic. I like every aspect of this build so far, great job!

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It does. If it doesn’t, I’m probably working on it still. Remember this is a WIP game.

Thanks! I have tried, but it looks weird in my opinion. I’ve been up mountains many times xD, so I know that you can ‘touch’ the clouds. I’m not sure the fog does that though. I tried using 3D clouds but they make it low quality. Not sure what I should do though, maybe a script or something would help that turns it off and on randomly.

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Maybe try adding some color correction/ a slight blur? But other than that, it looks amazing!

I’ll try that, although I’m not sure it will have much of a effect, cheers.

Super cool, great for a winter time role-play vacation. My favorite part is the plow, I don’t know why, I just love the shape of it. Keep it up man!

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Wow. I am impressed! This looks extremely good.

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The buildings and scenery look really realistic, great work!

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Love it! Can’t wait to see it finished. Almost looks like real life! Keep it up!


Looks amazing! I hope snowboards will be added too. (If they aren’t already) :goggles: :snowflake: :snowman_with_snow: :snowman: :skier: :snowboarder:

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It looks so realistic! I wish I can to ski there.


Looks ver nice and realistic! I’m a fan of Ski Resorts in Roblox :+1:


Image of the new map and resort area. Please see above for more info.

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Wow lol I once tried making a project exactly like this in august.

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