Feedback on my updated Group logo

Hello again, I previously made a post asking for feedback on my logo (which can be found here: Feedback on my Group Logo) and since then I took the feedback and made some changes to my logo. Once again, its for my clothing group, I tried to make it look more cleaner and I would appreciate your thoughts on which one is better. (I made two re-designs.)

This is the first one. In this version I made the G line tips parallel to the right A line and removed the clothing part.

First logo

This is the second one. Here the changes are more noticeable, so I dont think I need to explain this one, I also removed the clothing part here too.

Second logo


I like the second one better. Itā€™s a cool design and easy for the eye to follow. The first one seems a little strange to me, the A sticks out more and is noticeably larger than the G in the background. It kinda swallows the G. Hope this helps!

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Thanks for the Feedback! I appreciate it.

I like the 1st one more tho Iā€™d also make the letters bigger. Thereā€™s a lot of unused space which of a waste of data

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The first and second logo are really nice. The colors look awesome and the design is modern and simplistic. Iā€™d recommend enlarging the letters, as it is very small in proportion to the full logo.

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Hm, not sure but I do like the second one more. It gives off a more sleek and modern look as the G is hiding behind the A, Iā€™m not sure why but I feel like this makes it look a lot smoother than the first. Because in the first it feels very rough and unclean almost, there are too many lines. But the second one definitely looks better, hope you appreciate my feedback!

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Great suggestion! I didnā€™t even realise how much space is unused, thanks.

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Nice work @TheSpiffyOne! Itā€™s great to see that you put into practice some of the suggestions put forward in your previous thread. The versions shown here are certainly a lot more streamlined than past iterations.

First Logo Feedback

The first logo is the easiest to interpret with both letters clearly visible at a glance. In the interest of consistency however, I think that the sliced inner section of the A should follow the curvature of the intersecting G, as youā€™ve done where the A passes through the G elsewhere.

Second Logo Feedback

Interestingly, I think the second logo is more iconic than the first logo. With that said, if the viewer isnā€™t aware of your groupā€™s name, I believe the G could be easily mistaken for a semicolon or some form of abstract design. While iconic, I think it isnā€™t as easy to interpret. This could possibly be alleviated by extending the horizontal line of the G to the right to make the letter more recognisable.

Further Suggestions

You mention in your previous thread that the name of the group is ā€œArrow Gateā€. Other than the letters used in the logo, there isnā€™t anything tying the design back to this name. By incorporating iconic designs and symbols that represent your groupā€™s name and purpose, I think youā€™d be able to make the logo even more iconic and meaningful. An arrow soaring to new heights could be a possible incorporated symbol.

Additionally, I think that slightly resizing and then aligning the horizontal line of the G with the horizontal line of the A would be a nice touch in helping the lines of the letters to better flow between one another.

Finally, I also agree with @Krunnie and @UndecidedFactor that the letters should be enlarged. Thereā€™s currently a lot of unused space, which makes the logo look quite small.


Youā€™ve definitely improved the design of the logo since the previous thread and I think that both of these designs are appealing in their own way. As discussed above, I believe they each have different advantages and disadvantages, as well as room for slight improvement.

In their current form, I personally prefer the first logo as I think the intended interpretation of the second logo would be lost from viewers unaware of the group.

At the end of the day though, I think youā€™ve done a great job in making improvements and developing your graphic design ability further. Keep up the good work! :smile:


The second one looks really good!

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I would say maybe adding light black lines around each letter so it creates a liittle bit of a shadow feeling i would also say maybe adding small text under the logo itself saying something like the creator or thanks to whoever brought alot of eg your clothing

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Its way to simple and not to say itā€™s bad but I can do this in 2 seconds.Add detail and be creative and make it look nice so it will attract people to go to your game or website.Keep trying and youā€™ll get it.

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I like the interesting and sleek-ish design to the main logo but, sorry for my pickiness, I couldnā€™t help but notice the outline on the background words, I really like it, but that small aspect kind of annoys me. In all however, really great job! (Also I noticed some of the background letters overlap the main logo so yeahā€¦)

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I like the first one, It has more detail added into it and overall looks better than the second one.
The second one looks too bland.
Great job on both logos!


I recommend the second one of the icon. The first one causes difficulty to look.

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Hello, those ā€˜background wordsā€™ are made to overlap the logo so no one will steal it because it has my username on it, If I will ever use the logo they will be removed and thanks for the kind words!

Hello! Thanks for taking out the time out of your day to type out that lengthy post, I appreciate it. I would just like to know, you mentioned in the Second Logo Feedback that

And I would appreciate it if you could explain it further in detail as I dont understand what you were trying to say. Anyhow thank you for the kind words.

No problem! Iā€™m delighted you found my feedback helpful. Iā€™ll try my best to elaborate on that further.

At the moment, the letter G appears to be using the standard Futura font. The capital letter G in this font has a horizontal line that extends into the centre of the letter. By suggesting that you extend ā€œthe horizontal line of the G to the right to make the letter more recognisableā€, I mean taking this line and extending it in the opposite direction too, as seen below in the mock-up image I created. I think the slightly more traditional look would be more identifiable.

Of course, there are many other ways to write the capital letter G and as a result, there are also many different fonts that could be identifiable when sliced in half for your logo. In the image below, you can see that both the Rockwell and Gujarati Sangam MN fonts have a more traditional, identifiable design while still remaining iconic and unique with additional vertical and horizontal lines in places.

The third font in the image above is a culmination of the Futura and Gujarati Sangam MN fonts that I quickly created myself. It may not necessarily work when sliced in half but I included it in the image because I thought the arrow-like design might give you a few ideas if you decide to make your own!

Naturally a lot of art and design work comes down to personal preference at the end of the day but nonetheless, I hope this extra info and perspective is helpful!

Thanks for responding! This gave me more ideas on how I can elevate this design in the future. Once again thank you for your detailed post.

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