Find All / Replace All: Full Release!

Thanks for your feedback! We don’t support hovering over to show the complete path at this moment, but we hear you.
An “ugly” workaround for now is to resize the Find All/Replace All window and make it wide


This is a so cool thing which would help me and other people who are scripters. Keep up the great work ROBLOX! :slight_smile:


Oh ok thanks! So I know that you can do that and all but (sorry I didn’t explain this very well before) let’s say I wanted to delete all print lines in every script I had, but all of the lines are printing different things, what I want to figure out is if I can just put in the key word “print”, and then it deletes every line, regardless of what it prints?

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I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this came out the same time-ish that Roblox is renaming games to “Experiences.” Beware the inevitable forced renaming of “game” to “experience” in your code!


Yes! You can delete all “print()” following the steps in my last post and using “print” as the keyword.
Hope this screenshot helps

Note: Don’t use “Replace All” in this case. Use “Replace” line by line.


AAAAHHH! Thank you sorry I didn’t get it the first time…duh, my brain… :joy:

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Very nice update, I use this option almost every day! Thank you!

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Cool update, now replacing is now easier

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My only issue is that it doesn’t auto select the textbox like it used to. Now you have to press Ctrl Shift F and then click the text.


I was actually thinking of this feature without even knowing that it existed

But wow this tool will become handy in certain scenarios

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I just got this beta forced on me.

Please, please, please, PLEASE make this widget smaller at minimum/have less padding! The old find/replace I was able to snugly dock with my script analysis. Now I can barely use this if it’s not floating:

This is the MINIMUM Y size I can dock this to. As a result, docking this here (in my preferred area) severely reduces my viewport size in general.

To compare to the last image, this is how snugly I was able to dock it before:

That’s going from ~200 pixels at minimum to ~320 pixels at minimum.

All this empty space makes it impossible to dock this widget at all. This is now actively slowing down my workflow, since I have to keep this widget undocked and open/close it every time I want to find something in my scripts.

Unnecessary empty space (filled in red):

Also, when you open the replace dropdown, the minimum size permantently increases by the amount of space that whole widget takes, making it even more inconvenient to dock.


Thanks for letting us know! Our engineers just started looking into this bug. Sorry about any inconvenience for you.


Is there a way to disable this? I don’t want this feature on my studio its extremely annoying.

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Um why??? This is one of the most help scripting updates I have ever found!

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Its extremely annoying for me the layout isn’t like the old one.


This update is amazing! Find results was already super useful for large scale script changes, but this one lets you do things even faster with much less effort.
The replace all feature speeds things up a bunch, and overall the list you get after searching is much more manageable.

These are the kinds of updates developers really need. Although, I think we should still be able to access the old one.

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Hi, is there a way to filter CoreGui from the Find All results?

As also asked by others. That would be extremely helpful. A regex option for the ‘where to look’ filter would also do.

Thank you, these features are an important part of my development workflow, I’m happy Studio as an IDE keeps improving!


Trying to find all / replace all on 77 files causes a studio freeze. I was able to make a work around by doing it in smaller batches of under 27 files (using the filter option), which still worked incredibly slow.

Find: local Knit = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Packages.Knit)
Replace: local Knit = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Common.Packages.Knit)

77 results found
Replace all → causes studio to freeze for an indefinite amont of time


This is happening to me consistently. It started today, maybe yesterday for me.

What happens is Find All doesn’t work, then when I go to save it freezes and I lose the work.

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I am encountering a similar issue as those mentioned in the previous two comments, and I have submitted a bug report.