First Person Mode [V1.1]

I never seen any like complex tutorial, or a resource for first person mode, that would make first person experience alot more enjoyable, so I made my own one.


  • Locked first person mode
  • Custom camera placement (by default set somewhere around player eyes)
  • Neck movement (works with R15 and R6)
  • Player body rotating towards looking position
  • Ability to cancel mouse lock while in first person (by default set to LeftAlt key)
  • Making accessories invisible only on player side (can see other players accessories)
  • Making players see other players head movement



How to set up
There is a README file inside it that will tell you how, but I’ll make the steps here anyways:

  1. Open your inserted folder with name “First Person Mode”. You should find there a “FirstPersonScript” script and a README script.
  2. Move “FirstPersonScript” script into game.ServerScriptService

And thats it. All should be now ready.
If you’ll go to FirstPersonScript > FirstPersonCamera > FirstPersonSettings and open it, you can change some of the settings there. Every setting have a comment next to it so you will know what it does.

Update log
– 1.0.1:

  • Removed waiting time inside script, it will load right after every descendant of player’s character is loaded.
  • Added “PlayerCameraSettings”, which will force player movement and camera settings, so they can not change them (more about it in “How to set up” section).
  • Renamed “FirstPersonMode” gui and localscript to “FirstPersonCamera”

– 1.1:

  • Added compatibility with R6 avatars
  • Reworked the code a bit, and made it simpler to set up
  • Added better settings system trough ModuleScript
  • Added a function that allows players see other players head movement

Let me know with a reply if you would want something changed, or if something is not working correctly and I’ll try to change or fix it.


Can you make a video of it like demonstration/showcase ?

Okay, give me few minutes. I’ll try to make one.

Did everything it asked, got this error!

Which avatar type do you use ? It might be problem with neck, which I will need to make compatible with other avatar types later. Try using R15 avatar type.

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Update 1.1 out. This adds better way to set up script, and finally Compatibility with R6 characters. Go check it out and let me know what you think.

Cool resource, but it’s limited. @.CloneTrooper1019’s Realism module is more useful.

I don’t know if this is from the model, but whenever I enter a team test session, I can see an attachment on my head

cool stuff, i will use it for my horror game