I was thinking if you could add these, it’s a mix i did a long time ago, recopiles all devforum posts about utility modules ,scripts, maybe it can be useful
Well, welcome back to another devforum created by me. Today, we will be creating a simple viewmodel with custom offsets using ModuleScripts, RunService, and Motor6D. Let’s get started.
Intro and Setting Up
First of we create a HumanoidRootPart, a LeftArm, and a RightArm. Then, in the HumanoidRootPart we add 2 Motor6D’s that are attached to the Arms.
Sources [Screenshot 2022-08-03 183948]
[Screenshot 2022-08-03 184001]
<a href="https://gyazo.com/a72552cc76bad69589a59d84c3aa88a9"…
Unless you know how Fourier Transforms work (and I’m probably guessing no because if you did, you would have been taught how to use it to separate frequencies in sound), there probably isn’t a good way to do this.
I’m in second year university and I still don’t know how it works. I’m not sure what your math skill level is, but it’s not really something you can pick up easily. There are existing APIs in other programming languages you can look up, and I’m pretty sure I’ve played a game that coul…
[Tool 6D Banner]
A beginner friendly, attribute-based, Tool animation compatibility layer using Motor6Ds!
| About Me:
Hello everyone, I’ve been making posts on the forum ever since 2020. Tool 6D initially went under the name “Motor6DHandler” at the time as the script was called exactly that. You’d drop it under the root of your Tool and open and edit the scripts values to what you needed.
I’m glad it was able to help about 800+ (back when this was first made) people who put the scr…
I found a solution. thanks for all you’re help
Here is the solution if u want to check it out:
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
-- Variables
local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Turn = 0
-- Functions
local Lerp = function(a, b, t)
return a + (b - a) * t
-- Main
LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFir…
This should work for your intended purpose.
local MainPart = workspace.MainPart
local Camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Params = RaycastParams.new()
Params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
Params.FilterDescendantsInstances = { Character }
local function Visibilty()
-- Check if the jumpscare object is on the player screen
local Vector, OnScreen = Cam…
Alright, a few changes hope this helps:
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character
local humanoid = character.Humanoid
player.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 0.5
camera.FieldOfView = 110
humanoid.CameraOffset = Vector3.new(0, -1, -1)
for childIndex, child in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do
if child:IsA("BasePart") and child.Name ~= "Head" then
Maybe something like this would work.
local sensitivity = 0.1 -- How much "inertia" when moving the camera
local deceleration = 10 -- How fast the speed decelerates.
local cam = workspace.Camera
local rotate = Vector3.zero
local max = math.max
local rad = math.pi/180
local mouseMove = Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement
if input.UserInputType == mouseMove then
rotate -= input.Delta*sensitivity
Anything that falls within the “pyramid of vision” of the camera is visible.
Start with a function that determines whether a point is within this pyramid.
The easiest way to do that is to transform the position of the point such that the “origin” is the camera’s CFrame, not (0, 0, 0) of the world, or to make it relative to the camera. So that a transformed position of (0, 0, 10) really is exactly 10 studs in front of the camera
CFrame:PointToObjectSpace(Vector3) does ex…
Here you go.
local RunService = game:GetService "RunService"
local Players = game:GetService "Players"
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Stan = workspace.Stan
local Debounce = false
local DebounceDelay = 0.25
local Position, PlayerCanSee = Camera:WorldToScreenPoint(Stan.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
if not PlayerCanSee then
local Resul…
So I’m working on a SCP-096 for my game, but it just has very bad movements and im not sure whats happening:
This is a gif of it:
And here is the code for its movement
local function chase(target)
while true do
local PFS = game:GetService("PathfindingService")
local path = PFS:CreatePath()
path:ComputeAsync(SCP.HumanoidRootPart.Position, target.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
local waypoints = path:GetWaypoints()
for _, wa…
I figured it out by myself.
local Part = workspace.Look -- This is the part I want this script to check if is visible
local Camera = workspace.Camera
local Character = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Character
local RunService = game:GetService('RunService')
local Parameters = RaycastParams.new()
Parameters.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Character, Part}
Parameters.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
local Vector, OnScreen = Camera…
Smooth cutscenes using Bézier curves
Repository | Roblox model | Plugin
Hey developers,
TweenService is probably the best choice for tweening between 2 points. However, when you have more than 2 points, you have to do something like this:
This doesn’t look good and is pretty outdated. But there’s a solution: Bézier curves .
CutsceneService is a module which specializes in cutscenes. It is easy to use, fully customizable and has a wide range of f…
Smooth Cutscenes
by len_ny
What is this?
Smooth Cutscenes is a plugin that allows for easy smooth cutscene creation, which becomes useful for creating in-game cutscenes and actions.
Features list
Timeline-based editing
an easy to understand and familiar approach to animating, inspired by Roblox’s animation editor.
Import and export
Allows for easy sharing and reusability of your past cutscenes.
Automatic Theming
The plugin s…
Have you ever tried to make one of those nice first person view model systems complete with camera sway, bobbing when you walk, etc. but didn’t have the programming knowledge to do so? Or maybe you know how to do it, but don’t want to have to write up custom code from scratch. Either way, EasyFirstPerson is the system for you.
Just add the script and watch as all the tools in your game now have that satisfying First-Person-Shooter view.
Not sure what I’m talking about? See the example below.
So in the game The Rake Remastered there’s an effect they did where when you see the monster, your camera sort of “locks on” to him. It makes you look in his direction and i’d like to know how to do that. I understand how the effect with the FOV is done I just don’t understand how the camera locks onto the Rake like that.
^ Credits to Bbrendofc on YouTube for the video. It would’ve taken too long to get the video I needed if it wasn’t for them.
Hey everyone!! I’m trying to make a hunger system where you can eat food to increase your hunger which if you don’t you’ll eventually die… anyways, whenever the eating animation is playing, you can switch to another tool making it so the animation plays while that tool is equipped, which can make it look rather silly.
Here’s what I mean:
Is there a way I can prevent switching to another tool while an animation is playing or is there a w…
Hello there!
After maintaining my two main tutorials in the background for the past couple of years, along with my open-source, I decided to write some more, and with that, here we are:
What Are We Making?
Text sequences.
You’ve seen 'em everywhere. From NPC dialogues in your favorite RPGs, to cutscenes in scenic exhibitions and gameshows, they’re a greatway to both relay crucial information to your players, while keeping them engaged with the game and action currently ongoing:
Some Example…
If you want to let him equip the tool you can use :
It is really easy. Search for the service: “StarterPlayer”.
Scroll down until you see “CharacterJumpPower”. Set that number to 0.
You can also just remove it from the player gui in a localscript in StarterGui
local players = game:GetService('Players')
if players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild('PlayerGui'):FindFirstChild('TouchGui') then
I’m no expert but from my understanding, a lerp is like doing a single frame of a tween? Something like that. When you actually call the lerp, what you’ll want to do is:
local NewCFrame = CFrame.new(Camera.Position) * LookDirection
Camera.CFrame = Camera.CFrame:lerp(NewCFrame, 0.02)
You can always change the 0.02 to whatever you want, and you’ll need to define LookDirection as the direction you want the camera to face. You can do this with the following line:
local LookDirection = CFrame.new(…
I never seen any like complex tutorial, or a resource for first person mode, that would make first person experience alot more enjoyable, so I made my own one.
Locked first person mode
Custom camera placement (by default set somewhere around player eyes)
Neck movement (works with R15 and R6)
Player body rotating towards looking position
Ability to cancel mouse lock while in first person (by default set to LeftAlt key)
Making accessories invisible only on player side (can see o…
Hey guys! I made a super-simple camera shake module for you guys to use!
just put this in starter player scripts as a module script and require it.
to call it you do:
local camerashake = require(game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.CameraShake)
local Xstrength = 30
local Ystrength = 30
local Zstrength = 30
local camerashaketime = 30
Note: The lower the strength number the the m…
I have a very basic solution.
This is my old recoil script. Indeed, it is very basic and disappointing, but it get the job done.
This will work on First Person Camera and Third Person Camera.
Method : Multiplying camera current CFrame with CFrame.Angles
local function changeCamaraRecoilUp(numberOfStep, maxValue, minValue, waitNumber)
for Count = numberOfStep, 1, -1 do
local ValX = maxValue / minValue
camera.CFrame = camera.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(ValX, 0, 0) -- camera is game.Workspac…
local EventsList = {
[1] = {
func = function()
print("do stuff")
waittime = 5
[2] = {
func = function()
waittime = 5
for i = 1, #EventsList do
task.wait(EventsList[i]["waittime"] or nil)
How to make camera alway show infront of you no matter where you are - #7 by MadionChooi – better events cutscenes
I think I fixed it by changing it to:
local Part = script.Parent
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Folder = game.ReplicatedStorage.Rooms
local Rooms = Folder:GetChildren()
local function GenerateRoom(Hit)
local Char = Hit.Parent
local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Char)
if Player then
local RoomRNG = math.random(1, #Rooms)
local room = Rooms[RoomRNG]
local Clone = room:Clone()
Clone.Parent = workspace
Clone.PrimaryPart = Clone.StartPart
local cf = Part.C…
Heya, I’m making a Rogue-Like dungeon horror game, and I have the basics, I just don’t know how to adapt them to the game I’m specifically trying to make.
In the game, you go in an elevator and delve deep into a facility for as long as you can, each floor is randomly generated and you need to press buttons to advance to the next floor
I have the random generation script (kind of) but I don’t know how I’d go about unloading the map and generating a random new one each time the floor is complete…
Here’s my simplified implementation of the Perlin noise method I described. You can find visual and more detailed representations of the systems described in my implementation link I posted earlier.
If you want the place file you can find it here:
ChunkTutorial.rbxlx (57.5 KB)
Before adding the scripts, make three folders in ReplicatedStorage called Floors, Walls, and Ceilings.
You can then add different models in those folders for their specific tiles.
Make sure the sizes of the mode…
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local LocalizationService = game:GetService("LocalizationService")
local Countries = {}
local success, result = pcall(function()
return HttpService:GetAsync("http://country.io/names.json")
if success and result then
Countries = HttpService:JSONDecode(result)
local success, code = pcall(LocalizationService.GetCountryRegionForPlayerAsync, Localiz…
The script isn’t set to run when you take damage or die, you have to script it yourself using the remote event the model provides, I made one for you:
--This script also randomizes the blood amount a slight bit for variation, put in startercharacterscripts(in a serverscript)
local humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local OldHealth = humanoid.Health
if humanoid.Health < OldHealth then
that worked! thank you so much for everything. appreciate it.
There is a property under the camera called CameraSubject. You can change this to the player’s head instead of Humanoid via a LocalScript under StarterGui with the following code:
game.Workspace.Camera.CameraSubject = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("Head")
How do i making camera bobbing like this one - #5 by RoyalTHEUSERNAME – Viewbob based on WalksSpeed
Some of you have mentioned the bob not looking natural, I encourage you to play with the constants, especially frequency and amplitude, to get the style and intensity of bob you like.
Here is an example of a bob with the following frequency and amplitude constants:
local BOB_AMPLITUDE_X = 0.6
local BOB_AMPLITUDE_Y = 0.4
It gives an infinity shaped pattern that I like quite a lot. Since my amplitudes are fairly high, I would see th…
This is a 4 way directional walking system for R6, make sure to not leave the id’s empty or it might not work, here is the place file:
Baseplate.rbxl (43.1 KB)
Here is the code:
local animationFolder = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("Animations")
if not animationFolder then
error("Animations folder not found")
local walkForwardAnim = animationFolder:FindFirstChild("WalkForwardR6")
local walkBackwardAnim = animationFolder:FindFirstChild("WalkBackwardR6")
local walkL…
Current Version: V.4.01 Stable (09/21/2021)
I will be releasing a new module with new features, including Shapecasting in the near future. Stay tuned! More information:
Raycast Hitbox 4.01: For all your melee needs! - #1133 by TeamSwordphin
Upgrading from 3.xx to 4.0
Please note that V4 is not backwards compatible with V3. There are a few API changes that were introduced in V4 to better suit modern code etiquette. Here are the changes you need to know if you want to make your code…
-Changed Friction and Drag Code to work with every FPS
How to use DataStore2 - Data Store caching and data loss prevention – DataStore2
--// Variables
local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
local camPart = workspace["CameraPart"]
local mouse = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
--// Set cam
cam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
cam.CameraType == Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
--// Move cam
local maxTilt = 10
cam.CFrame = camPart.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(
math.rad((((mouse.Y - mouse.ViewSizeY / 2) /…
Tweening in order - #4 by byc14 – Tweens in order
What is a thread and what does task.spawn do? - #10 by DasKairo – coroutines and spawn, how they work
Cubular | A free and open source Game to Learn from! – drag system 1
Dragging objects with the mouse – drag system 2
Well, for a convincing VHS effect, you’ll need the following:
And some sort of Static overlay
Here is a table of images you can use for a static effect:
local StaticImages = {
And heres the values for the Bloom and ColorCorrection
(just enable the…
For a couple years now, the FE gun kit has been a go-to choice for most developers that like making FPS games.
Popular examples are: Randomizer , Ray’s Mod , and maybe more to come
What is it?
It’s a really flexible gun system that you can easily modify and add your own aspects to.
There are two versions; a viewmodel version and a roblox character version.
Here are some unmodified examples. They may look a l…
Hi everyone
I was looking around on the devforum to see if there was any resources for this but there wasn’t.
Let’s say you want to zoom in on the player that killed you once you died from the position you are currently at. There are a lot of games that do this and it’s a very awesome effect.
Here’s a function that can do that for you.
function ZoomFit(Object : Model)
local c = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Orientation, size = Object:GetBoundingBox()
local ObjectRadius = size.Magnitude
With the advent of the ViewportFrame, we have seen a wide range of new and inventive uses for the feature. I decided to create a simple ‘Skybox’ model because I really don’t like seeing games where there’s just a drop to nothing, or a clearly flat image.
(The picture below uses a roughly 4096 x 4096 stud terrain map).
In the past I had attempted using programs like Cinema4D to generate six images for use in the actual skybox objects, but w…
Lunar Sound V2.0 (LS2)
[Lunar Sound]
The plugin has been updated to v2.0
About Lunar Sound
Lunar Sound was a plugin I created to better the animation process for Moon Animator. The original plugin was lacking in good design.
But after a month of reworking, I’m happy to release the new and improved Lunar Sound 2. The plugin has recieved massive changes in ui, ux, and a complete rewrite of the code. So enjoy the update!
How to use Lunar sound
You can install lunar sound from the m…
Amazing notification and dialogue modules / models