Fisherman's Hut

:white_medium_small_square: Build Number: 05

:white_medium_small_square: My own design is a small fishing hut, What is your opinion? please write your ideas.


Looks nice and detailed, it’s awesome!


Thank you, I did my best even though the detail is small in this build


Its pretty good actually. Keep up the good work! Try using blender to make your builds as well as other objects. It really helps.

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thank you but Unfortunately Blender i do not know how to use, I tried to learn but I failed

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It looks pretty nice! I like the curves. Did you use Archimedes plugin?

There is a minor error on the roof outline image

thank you for your opinion and i never used any plugin except for making rope, I fixed the mistake

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I really like the overall shape and feel of it. I like the style you’re going for.

I think the roof looks a little bit weird. Whenever I think of huts like this I always think straw roofs or metal type roofs, something like that could work on your build, but this is more like a simple design you’re going to the roof in my opinion doesn’t match the design I would recommend changing it to something else.

The roof looks like fabric material slapped onto the roof, which doesn’t look right. I’d say make the roof have a full plank instead of fabric or choose something more appealing, and then add little bits of details here and there on the side of the building or things possibly in the water. I’d suggest adding some wood sticking out of the water, if possible, to make it look like nice.

Anyways, I like the shape and design of it.

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Thank you for your feedback, I tried to make a simple design, but when I wanted to add some detail, some things were confused.

The detail looks amazing, even the small detail on each side of the Hut.

Would you be able to access the inside of the hut? Or is it just for show/looks?

thank you for your comment but yeah unfortunately it just has the outside look

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Ah, well it looks amazing man, keep up the good work!

thank you I recommend you to look at my other works

When I get the chance, I will 100% take a look!

thank you so much!! :smile:

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This is good! It has good detail, but one suggestion I have is what if you had your avatar holding the fishing rod but otherwise I think it’s good!

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