There is currently no way for developers to create flat textures on parts and have them function/render as normal parts do.
As far as I’m aware there are two methods of handling this and both have their problems:
a) Fabric part with a special mesh and white texture.
The issue with this method is that UV wrapping of your chosen mesh will cause decals that are applied to wrap around the entire part which is a huge problem & require 1 special mesh per part.
b) Fabric part with white decals on all sides.
The issue with this method is that the decals can and will start z-fighting with other decals & require 6 decals per part.
Flat textures look great on some projects but they’re quite a hassle to set up in Roblox and come with their own unique problem areas. It’d be really neat to see a material that is just flat, simply put, no texture and no shine or sheen on the surface. It would be very similar to the way that fabric has no shine on the surface but without the fabric texture.
The goal would be to have a built-in material for baseparts that renders like the planter on the right (specialmesh method) rather than the planter on the left (plastic material).
Many thanks,