Hello Devforum, today I’m working on my terrain generator again.
I wrote a function that is supposed to occassionally generate some chunks that have no mountains/hills and are just flat (so I can place houses or build towns on them, etc without them being placed at absurd heights/angles),
There is a value between 0 and 1 where 0 will generate no mountains at all and 1 will always generate mountains and hills.
Tried many values and such but I still see hills and mountains appearing when setting it to 0 (never generate mountains/hills).
I have also written some code to do some smooth interportation between hills and no hills so hills/mountains won’t look like as if a chunk was cut off clean.
I feel like the problem lies somewhere here.
mod.randomnoise = function(pos)
local v = noise(pos.x * 1111.11, pos.y * 1111.11, seed * 11.11)
if v < 0 then
v = (1 - v)
return v
local nohillzone = function(pos)
local pos2 = v3(snap(pos.x, nohillzonedist),0,snap(pos.z, nohillzonedist))
local ran = mod.randomnoise(pos2)
local dist = (pos - pos2).magnitude
local offset = (dist / 10) * 9.5
local lerpdist = (dist / 10) * 0.5
if ran > nohillzonechance and dist > offset then
return (nohillzonedist - offset) / lerpdist
elseif ran > nohillzonechance and dist < offset then
return 0
return 1
mod.heightnoise = function(pos) --Basic terrain generation
pos = pos + posoffset
local n1 = noise(pos.x / steepness, pos.z / steepness, seed) * amp
local n2 = noise(seed, pos.z / steepness2, pos.x / steepness2)
return (n1 * n2) * nohillzone(pos)
-- local n1 = noise(pos.x / steepness, pos.z / steepness, seed)
-- local n2 = n1 * noise(seed, pos.z / steepness2, pos.x / steepness2)
-- if (n1) > 0 then
-- n1 = lerp(0, amp, n1)
-- return n1
-- end
-- return 0
But here is the whole module in case you need to read more of it like what variables I’m using, etc.
--==[[ Configurations ]]==--
local seed = 801429683 * 0.08
local posoffset = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0) --Center of the terrain.
local amp = 1000
local steepness = 1000
local steepness2 = 2000
local nohillzonechance = 0 --0 always, 1 never.
local biomechancemultiplier = 2
local biomesize = 10000
local biomerarity = 2000
local biomesnap = 0.5
local biomes = {}
biomes["1"] = {name = "rocklands";
mat1 = Enum.Material.Rock;
mat2 = Enum.Material.Ground;
biomes["0.5"] = {name = "desert";
mat1 = Enum.Material.Sand;
mat2 = Enum.Material.Ground;
biomes["0"] = {name = "default";
mat1 = Enum.Material.Grass;
mat2 = Enum.Material.Mud;
biomes["-0.5"] = {name = "snow";
mat1 = Enum.Material.Snow;
mat2 = Enum.Material.Glacier;
biomes["-1"] = biomes["1"]
--==[[ No touchy below. ]]==--
local nohillzonedist = 1000
local noise = math.noise
local floor = math.floor
local clamp = math.clamp
local v3 = Vector3.new
local mod = {}
local function lerp(a, b, c)
return a + (b - a) * c
local function snap(x, y)
return floor((x / y) + 0.5) * y
mod.randomnoise = function(pos)
local v = noise(pos.x * 1111.11, pos.y * 1111.11, seed * 11.11)
if v < 0 then
v = (1 - v)
return v
local nohillzone = function(pos)
local pos2 = v3(snap(pos.x, nohillzonedist),0,snap(pos.z, nohillzonedist))
local ran = mod.randomnoise(pos2)
local dist = (pos - pos2).magnitude
local offset = (dist / 10) * 9.5
local lerpdist = (dist / 10) * 0.5
if ran > nohillzonechance and dist > offset then
return (nohillzonedist - offset) / lerpdist
elseif ran > nohillzonechance and dist < offset then
return 0
return 1
mod.heightnoise = function(pos) --Basic terrain generation
pos = pos + posoffset
local n1 = noise(pos.x / steepness, pos.z / steepness, seed) * amp
local n2 = noise(seed, pos.z / steepness2, pos.x / steepness2)
return (n1 * n2) * nohillzone(pos)
-- local n1 = noise(pos.x / steepness, pos.z / steepness, seed)
-- local n2 = n1 * noise(seed, pos.z / steepness2, pos.x / steepness2)
-- if (n1) > 0 then
-- n1 = lerp(0, amp, n1)
-- return n1
-- end
-- return 0
mod.biomenoise = function(pos) --Biome selection and generation
pos = pos + posoffset
local n1 = noise(pos.z / biomesize, pos.x / biomesize, seed * 2)
local r = clamp(n1 * biomechancemultiplier, -1, 1)
r = snap(r, biomesnap)
local selbiome = biomes[tostring(r)]
return selbiome.mat1
return mod
I’d be super happy if I can get this to work.
I’m trying to make a terrain generator that soon might also generate buildings, lakes, maybe large bridges that stretch over big lakes, basically entire cities and some nature parts likes forests, etc.
Eventually this module is supposed to generate entire (and infinite) maps for open-world post-apocalypse games where buildings are procedurally generated with random rooms, furniture as well perhaps (I’ll see how far I’ll go) with random loot, etc.