Followers system needs more tools

As a Roblox developer It is currently hard to incentivise users towards following the developers of a Roblox experience, at the current date we possess no real tools for doing such and instead have to rely on garnering attention on outside sources such as our game discord’s and requesting everyone follow us for a promised reward in return.

This was always an issue however It never possessed any meaningful impact due to the followers system having no usage up until this recent change where roblox started up the verified badge program again, broadening the amount of methods towards obtaining it; one of them being upon reaching the experience requirement of 1M hours of playtime over the past 90 days Experience Contributors & Experience owners(If experience is under a group) requiring 10k followers to get this badge despite making this a requirement they seemingly have never decided to make it easy for Roblox developers to take advantage of the followers system and instead choosing to keep all action towards it hidden behind going on a profile and clicking a 3 dotted tab or having to rely on proxies to make use of the two available API’s capable of checking followers/following.

What I am actually requesting:
Player method additions such as “Player:IsFollowing(userid)” and the ability to prompt users to follow other users.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, It would improve my development experience because…
It’s very clear that Roblox wants to do something with the follower system but for developers to properly make use of it, we need proper tools in place to make implementations easier; I should be able to check if a user is following somebody and reward them accordingly and I should be able to gain followers without relying on pinging all those in my game’s discord.


did you read the requirements?

I mean, seriously.

Keywords: such an experience

Even if you get 10M followers thanks to gamifying the system and ruining your games, you aren’t getting anything.

Roblox doesn’t see that you’re actively contributing to an experience with 1M hours over the past 90 days. And if you were, you would probably get these followers through genuine ways (aka not begging with rewards).

TL;DR: begging w/ rewards for followers is completely the opposite of what Roblox wants to achieve.


I don’t believe you understand roblox has an actual system in place when it comes to contributions and I don’t believe you understand that group games that use an alternative account as the groups holder still requires your main account you use to achieve 10k followers for the verification badge

For instance, I am a developer of a game with 144 million visits in the past year and I work alongside 2 other associates, none of us have reached the requirement of 10000 followers so far and combined we’re probably 3/10ths of the way there.

You’re currently rambling about something you seemingly have no experience in and instead want a reason to be angry about a feature request which helps with something that has been ignored for quite sometime, work on your attitude and try and be a little more professional.

And another thing, the owner of a group that has an experience that reaches those requirements Still needs to reach the same follower requirements


Its actually possible, but you need an external proxy (not safe)
Not a bad idea, even outside of the verified badge topic

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local Follower = 1 -- id of the user
local Followed = -1 -- id of the developer
local Table = ""..Follower.."/followings?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100"
local response = HttpService:RequestAsync({
	Url = Table,
	Method = "GET"
if response.Success then
	local TableBody = HttpService:JSONDecode(response.Body)
	for index, v in pairs( do
		if == Followed then
			print("User is following the developer!")

I think the better solution here is to simply replace the follower requirement on the verified badge, the follow endpoints already have incredible harsh rate-limits so forcing players to follow a developer for a reward will only just upset players who have reached the rate limit (which may I add, it takes multiple days for that rate limit to reset)

The last thing I want when I join an experience is to be requested to follow the developer for no reason other than getting them a verified badge next to their name, there is no reason why the follower system needs to exist and no reason why the verified badge should require them other than possibly reducing cases of fake developers getting the badge, but that should be solved by further checks, not a follower requirement.


Followers are literally completely useless, and they have no function. I remember way back in 2020 even the player list had follow buttons, those have since been removed.


Read the requirements correctly


It says “you are a contributor to such an experience

Roblox doesn’t want you to incentivise users to follow the developers, if you do, you’ll get nothing, Even if you get 10M followers by that, you’ll still get nothing

Followers are literally useless, and the better solution is to replace the “have at least 10K followers on roblox” with something else

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I read the requirements correctly, when you own a group that reaches the experience requirements, you are considered a contributor instead of a direct owner, meaning you still need to achieve the 10000 followers needed.

And the situation with 10000 followers being needed wouldn’t be bad if we had tools to make it actually happen, while I do agree it could most definitely be replaced with a better case, that doesn’t appear to be happening so its better to suggest tools to make the current requirements more possible rather than to repeat what points others already made on the original post.

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I own a group named VSC Team, and I put my games there, so does that mean I still need to achieve 10K followers? I don’t think that’s how it works

Why do you even want to farm followers just to get a worthless badge?

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now if you read my previous post you’d know thats precisely how it works as confirmed by developer relations…

also referring to the badge as worthless isn’t helpful towards any argument you make, you don’t know what current merits it has nor what future merits it may obtain.

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It does seem the case and it quite makes sense. Roblox likely queries members who contribute to an experience through Team Create (or has the group perms) and has the follower minimum to ensure ALTs and other non-active contributors get the verified badge. The ticket from MineeMae in the Top Engaging Experiences program seems to confirm this, so it’s safe to assume that it’s true.

However, I do believe that using followers wasn’t the right choice. I’m really tired to see all those attempts to beg for followers due to misinterpretations. The OP has a valid point of using group holder accounts (we love Roblox’ integrity) but adding APIs to gather followers will surely backfire. Many games will just force players to follow a few devs and the value of the verification badge will inflate. It’s just a badge to combat impersonating…

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That’s not completely true. Some time ago, I made one of my alt. accounts follow this one, and after that, I found that they joined the same server as me when they would teleport to the same place in an experience.

It seems like anyone that’s following you will join the same server as you, just like if they added you as a friend.

That’s incorrect, I have 29 followers yet none of them joined me even in games like Doors.

(ignore the aaaaaaa part its because of the avatar)

it depends on your account settings,
If you establish that your followers can join you they will see a green button on your profile
and sometimes it may send you and your follower to the same server
it happened to me several times


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