Hey Developers,
We are excited to announce that we’ve launched a new section in the Creator Marketplace for browsing through fonts and added 81 new fonts to the Marketplace!
To use these fonts, you can find them in the marketplace and click Install.
Once installed, they will appear in the font picker within the properties panel in Studio.
Future plans
We’re working on adding even more fonts. Our goal is to offer the entire Google Fonts catalog of more than 1500 free fonts.
In addition to that, we hope to add more filtering functionality in the Toolbox for finding fonts, such as search.
Using in Code
To use these fonts in code, you can go to the ...
menu in the Toolbox and click Copy ID.
You can also copy the ID from the font picker in the properties panel by right clicking on a font.
Once you have the asset ID, you can put it into your code like this:
textLabel.FontFace = Font.new("rbxassetid://1234")
Or like this:
textLabel.FontFace = Font.fromId(1234)
Alternatively, you can add an Attribute on your script with a type of Font so you can pick the font visually, and then use script:GetAttribute("InsertNameHere")
in your script.
For more info on how to use fonts in Lua, check out the documentation: Font | Roblox Creator Documentation
Using in RichText
Fonts can be used in RichText by copying the ID of the font (shown above) and using <font family="">
, like this:
here is
<font family="12187361943">Parisienne</font>
Creator Marketplace
Fonts can also be found on the website under the Creator Marketplace.
List of new fonts
Click to expand
Name | Asset ID |
Akronim | 12187368317 |
Are You Serious | 12187363616 |
Audiowide | 12187360881 |
Barlow | 12187372847 |
Barrio | 12187371991 |
Blaka | 12187365104 |
Bungee Inline | 12187370000 |
Bungee Shade | 12187367666 |
Caesar Dressing | 12187368843 |
Cairo | 12187377099 |
Caveat | 12187369802 |
Codystar | 12187363887 |
Damion | 12187607722 |
Dancing Script | 8764312106 |
Eater | 12187372382 |
Faster One | 12187370928 |
Finger Paint | 12187375716 |
Fira Sans | 12187374954 |
Frijole | 12187375194 |
Fuzzy Bubbles | 11322590111 |
Great Vibes | 12187375958 |
Hind Siliguri | 12187361378 |
Hind | 12187361116 |
IBM Plex Sans JP | 12187364147 |
Inter | 12187365364 |
Irish Grover | 12187376910 |
Italianno | 12187374273 |
Kanit | 12187373592 |
Kings | 12187371622 |
La Belle Aurore | 12187607116 |
Lato | 11598289817 |
Libre Baskerville | 12187365769 |
Lobster | 8836875837 |
Lora | 12187366657 |
M PLUS Rounded 1c | 12188570269 |
Marhey | 12187364648 |
Monofett | 12187606783 |
Monoton | 12187374098 |
Montserrat | 11702779517 |
Mukta | 12187365559 |
Mulish | 12187372629 |
NanumGothic | 12187361718 |
Nosifer | 12187377325 |
Nothing You Could Do | 12187367901 |
Noto Sans HK | 12187362892 |
Noto Sans | 12187370747 |
Noto Serif HK | 12187366846 |
Noto Serif JP | 12187369639 |
Noto Serif SC | 12187376739 |
Noto Serif TC | 12187368093 |
Nunito Sans | 12187363368 |
Open Sans | 11598121416 |
PT Sans | 12187606934 |
PT Serif | 12187606624 |
Pacifico | 12187367362 |
Parisienne | 12187361943 |
Playfair Display | 12187374765 |
Poppins | 11702779409 |
Prompt | 12187607287 |
Quicksand | 12187371324 |
Rajdhani | 12187375422 |
Raleway | 11702779240 |
Roboto Slab | 12187368625 |
Rubik Burned | 12187363148 |
Rubik Iso | 12187362120 |
Rubik Marker Hatch | 12187367066 |
Rubik Maze | 12187366475 |
Rubik Wet Paint | 12187369046 |
Rubik | 12187365977 |
Rye | 12187372175 |
Sedgwick Ave Display | 12187376357 |
Shadows Into Light | 12187607493 |
Silkscreen | 12187371840 |
Sono Monospace | 12187362578 |
Sono | 12187374537 |
Tajawal | 12187377588 |
Tangerine | 12187376545 |
Teko | 12187376174 |
Unica One | 12187364842 |
Work Sans | 12187373327 |
Yellowtail | 12187373881 |
A BIG thank you to everyone who helped make this happen: @applepinecake @colorlessgreenideas @crayzdesi4 @DrRanchDressing @ehopehopehope @FriendlyAdder @leek_clee @Thunderbolt5140 @Tiffblocks @uiuxartist
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you.