Framerate is unstable & fluctuating during play-testing in studio

Framerate during play-testing in studio is unstable & fluctuating suddenly from yesterday and it even able to replicate from empty baseplate

Reference 1 - Framerate fluctuates between 50 - 60 fps

Reference 2 - Same issue reported from developers

Expected behavior

Usually studio will run in 60 fps smoothly most of the time


This is happening to me as well, even with my framerate unlocked
Everything looks very choppy especially my camera and animations


Just noticed this as well recently. Some animations and wait times were a bit too choppy and sluggish to keep up with the actual gameplay. Might have to do with a recent Studio update, unsure though

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Not sure if the stuttering itself is really visible but you can see the FPS fluctuating pretty badly in both the diagnostics bar and the debug stats.

You can also see another bug in the output. This is why I don’t update studio often!

Through a bit of trial and error, I’ve discovered that this bug was introduced in the April 4th release of Studio. Using the March 30th release, the FPS is stable.


How do i get the march 30 release

Download Roblox Studio Mod Manager and change the target version to this:

Can confirm. My FPS is also suddenly between 50-60.

I was already panicking, trying to undo whatever I did to make my game lag, but thank god it wasnt anything I did.

The weird thing is that if I unlock my FPS to 144, it also fluctuates between 130-144.

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This has been a massive issue for me.

It’s really hard to get an active representation of how my movement system performs when I have large performance issues in studio. These fps stutters do not occur in live games, making me have to go back and forth between the two to make sure things work well.

Whilst thought should be put towards lower performance users, I am trying to create a base standard before putting my eyes towards that. It makes it very hard for me to do so due to these large performance issues.

Getting this too. very annoying to work with especially with camera scripting, there’s a lot of jittering that goes on because of this.

I don’t know if this is also related but moving around my studio camera and/or cursor (not while play-testing) also drops my frames. It’s not super consistent but it’s noticeable


Edit mode (When not moving or doing anything my fps stays at a consistent 60)


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Sorry to bump, but this issue is still occuring as of 8/27/2023. Frames can take as long as half a second at random! It sometimes interferes with timers and sounds in my game.

This issue has just gotten worse and worse. My screen is incredibly stuttery when the FPS counter claims otherwise, yet somehow it doesn’t show up properly on recording?

In addition my mouse inputs really lag on my screen, the screen snaps a lot when I rotate the camera via Right-Click.

What happened?

Also affects camera tweening on the beta feature for some reason? I keep getting “lagbacks” (camera teleporting to the place it was previously, this shouldn’t happen) and my camera rotations go way past what I rotated.

I am experiencing this issue aswell, is this framerate drop studio only?

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personally it is caused by the toolbox and animation editor, the graph speaks for itself


I have both of those closed and it still happens sometimes.

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Is this still happening? If so could you include a microprofiler report?