"Freaky" hats should not be allowed

this sucks but roblox does not care since they get a cut from the amount of robux.


everyone knows the urban dictionary isnt the best place to get correct definitions. i wasn’t necessarily defending the item, just the rude comments directed towards the creator of said items.

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I was talking about the “nah, i’m freaky” accessories. they aren’t serious even if that was the intent. no reason to say rude stuff to the creators lol… no need to bring up the fact that i got permanently banned just to make your argument. this just proves how childish you are.


its funny we are trying put freak in the bad more than “aint no party like a diddy party”
how about we focus on this worse ones first



This one literately screams “come groom me”
Screenshot 2024-07-23 100613


My friend Xoifail made a script recently that lets you remove UGC hats based on the hat name / description / creator / etc, this should be a good temporary fix


Why are people defending this hat? lol

The text is in cursive for gods sake. The intention behind the hat is very obvious to anyone with one brain cell. :skull:


I feel Roblox Mods need to be educated on the latest slang for things that are not allowed on the platform as if you know a bit of the latest slang you can basically say anything at the moment…


How is that allowed like seriously…


yall brains must be slow. there is literally 99999x worse stuff and roblox wont take it down. like shaders. 3d tops. non 3d tops. weird faces. you name it its on roblox some way. this like the least worst thing.

plus not defending or whatever but most people dont exactly know the meaning of freaky, Most, its like asking someone what the meaning of skibidi is :sob: they wont know exactly but theyll probably still use it in there vocab if there under 14. most dont know the exact meaning but i suppose still sorta know the connotation. its really being mostly used by people 11- 17 so idk

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In most uses online though “freaky” is often used in an inappropriate context, whether as a joke or not, and yes there is a lot of things that need moderating on Roblox and this is just one thing.


Ready has been discussed. I do agree that the breast shadings are extremely offensive and should be taken down. This is a kids game not a realistic roleplay.

I am talking about the over excessiveness.

Roblox also has shading like that in their own official rthro avatar bundles, and ugc creators are allowed to use them in their own avatar bundles as well (they go a lot over the top but I don’t care, doesn’t affect me lol)

but R6 avatars is kinda a grey area for this right now NGL

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It appears Roblox has started taking action on newer slang words.



honestly though, this is kinda expected from roblox at this point

roblox without ugc: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend:
amount of broken people without ugc: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend:

The best solution I have ever known for this problem is Roblox needs to segregate the entire platform by age groups. It’s not perfect but frankly every single school I’ve been do has done this and it works.

  • Predators always set adult ages to reduce the chat filter levels.

  • Teenagers will always be teenagers, and that will always entail edgy NSFW humor. There’s a reason we have high schools and middle schools. Middle school boys laugh at things like “Pen 15 Club” while high schoolers outright make adult jokes.

  • I am old enough to drink alcohol in the USA. There is videos of parents asking their FIVE YEAR OLD about roblox games the child is playing. For obvious reasons we should not be sharing the same playground.

  • Children don’t need full access to the UGC catalog. I also have my opinions on putting micro transactions and children into the same sandbox but that is a subject for another day.

  • Very young children have no need for anything beyond the old safety chat. I didn’t start playing online games with full chat until I was 12. Again, there are five year olds…with chat permissions. Why!? You are just enabling the creeps with that!

  • We have all heard the horror stories of young kids being turned into dev slaves. This is sometimes caused by their friends, but more often than not there’s a teenager, if not an adult, leading it. I was one of those kids while going through middle school, and the slave driver was older than me.

  • Computer literate people have been telling parents for decades to keep tabs on their kids online activities. They don’t listen and then sue the website after they didn’t listen. Pull a Poptropica, cut the problem off at the knees:


I know it’s draconian but since when has any responsible parent let their five year old play with a bunch of high schoolers, let alone fully grown adults who are not family members or school/daycare staff? Never.


I feel as if everyone going “no u” to everyone saying you’re the problem is stupid,

People are disgusting that’s just a fact, if you cant accept that people can 99 percent of the time are using this for sexual reasons your 100 percent over compensating trying to yell at the word “nope no nope I have a clean mind nope”

This is a problem, the majority feels this way, and its not going to change due to the fact you’re trying to express how clean of a mind you have to everyone

I agree with this 100%. Roblox already has an age rating system in place, so why don’t they just use that to their advantage? I’m all for allowing different age group games on Roblox as long as they decide to actually enforce it.

Roblox needs to HIDE mature games and topics from younger children.

Also, they should separate servers between age groups too.
Certain verified accounts should not be playing with small children or young teenagers.