Fresh - New Particle System

Fresh - New Particle System

Whats this?

Fresh is a NEWLY designed Particle System which ISNT its own Particle System (Yet). It simply adds on to the Default Roblox Particle system. Fresh is designed to contain Gravity, Collision, and Trails. Fresh is a system that will roll out in Versions. Fresh is currently in Beta 1.0! Release will be Beta 10.0 (Release). From there on we will be upgrading the system to make it better and more fit for your needs! The versions leading up to release will slowly fill up the particle system until its its own system! 2022 will be our goal for its release date. Keep in mind fresh is a Module at the moment, and will (in one of the versions leading up to release) turn into a Plugin.


  • Gravity (Not Togglable Yet)
  • Collision
  • Custom Image
  • Uses Oop! (Object Oriented Programming)

What does it Look like?

Get it!

Fresh Particles (1.0).rbxl (27.9 KB)
We are taking Community Feedback! You can Reply with what you think will make Fresh better!


Mind elaborating on the collision feature?

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The Particle collides with Real World objects!
Roblox’s Particle system doesn’t support Particle Collisions.

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This isn’t as efficient as the default particle system, but it looks cool!

Instead of doing something like this
maybe use a table instead? That’d make the code a lot more readable.

    properties = properties or {}
    local Position = properties.Position or,0,0)
    local Color = properties.Color or,0,0)
    local Size = properties.Size or 1
    -- etc.

Also, maybe make the easing styles editable


Appreciated for the reply.
Seems very well made!
Though not too sure in terms of performance, lots of creation of new instances going on.


I will probably end up doing that. Its way more efficient than having all the properties stuffed together. Also, keep in mind Fresh isnt a full system yet. It is just a sub-system for the Main Roblox Particles system! Thanks for the feedback!

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Could you upload the source code to GitHub or Pastebin so that people on mobile can check out how it works? Thanks!


creating a new part isnt exactly the best idea uk… creates a lot of lag when u put so many parts in 1 place but this is lit ngl also a small feature request would be a spread like make the particles spread evenly across a part kinda thing


Yepo, really you want to have a folder hidden (parented to nil - accessable as it’s stashed in memory) then modify those CFrames. Cloning and Instancing new objects is expensive - changing any property aside CFrame has an overhead as well.

Very nice little system. I see a lot of potential in this kind of thing.

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Spreading evenly across the part, was in fact planned for Beta 1.1! Also, I hear you with the lag and the Instancing and such! This will get resolved in a later version. Thanks for the feedback!

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Instead of a “Position” Value, it will most likely change to “EmissionPart”

Finally! I have been trying to make something like this.

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This looks really cool, good job on the system.

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I need to ask this - but what font are you using for code?

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Is it wise to have so many parts being created on the server?

You could use the module on the client instead and have the effects be local to the player.

I made a remake of this!

This is a great particle system. It is really easy to use too.

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If you want the entire Color Theme, (Made by me), you can copy these values here!

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Looks great but I have no idea what to do haha.