[Full Release] SurfaceAppearance Tinting

I’ve waited years for this feature to come out, literally. Thank you very much.


hexadecimal color value is still “HTML” not “HEX”
they should fix it


This was a deliberate decision due to the performance and memory requirements. We see that many Devs want to have emissive maps for SA. I just want to acknowledge that we are aware of this feature requirement.
Emissive maps, color shifting and roughness/specular scalers are the top requests we see for the SA.


Any plans to allow the material of a part to show under
SurfaceAppearance when AlphaMode is set to overlay?


Is there an eta for emmisive maps? Please?


While we are tracking the request and we see how important it is to the community, at this time we don’t have concrete plans/timeline to announce.


i would say it is really important to us, but i don’t speak for the community. IMO, if this is added, this would be really good for all of us


is there is any chance we will be able to apply multiple texture to one object at once ?
right now if you put 2 surface appearances with different maps one will go on top of the other and the other will be completely invisible.


I’ll happily take emission maps. Thank you.


This is amazing to see, but will we ever get new additions to the Surface Appearance?

By that, I mean adding new maps or even giving us more control over textures themselves, such as adding World-Aligned Textures.

Some handy maps that I would love to see join the SurfaceAppearance are:
• Emissive Maps
• Clear Coat Map
• Ambient Occlusion
• Specular Map
• Cavity Map

But personally, I have seen other developers really want a Subsurface Map that uses Subsurface scattering. This would be useful for realism.


I hope you add Root Motion in animation… This will be a breakthrough for creating realistic animations in ROBLOX. UE5 and Unity already have this feature, I hope it will be here soon!

I would also like to edit the size in the animation


Let’s get more useful updates like these more often


I saw this feature on the documentation and was in awe.
MaterialVars are great due to their color but they don’t work on meshes, because of tiling and uv mapping wasn’t support.
I’m thankful this was added so colormaps can be altered.

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We really need a emissive map to be added to the SA. This would help for advanced models/Texture


I like everyone here want emissive maps to be added, hope this is the next thing you will add


-- May I ask how this impacts performance at all? Why does specifically only this impact performance when every other color input in the engine supports values greater than 1?

-- I’m just getting kind of tired of how difficult it is to do basic visual effects in Roblox because of the forced PBR. Hell I’m not even asking for emissive maps at this point I just want any way to make a model unlit / flat shaded without having to forego textures entirely.

It appears that this update has broken tileable SurfaceAppereance textures, that earlier were possible to make via a widely known Humanoid instance bug.

When grouping a Humanoid instance and a MeshPart together with a SurfaceAppereance applied to it, ColorMap of the SurfaceAppereance simply turns fully black, without changing Color properties to [0, 0, 0], while keeping its transparency data (Alpha map). Instead, the property of the Color remains the exact same as it was before and has no longer affect on the tint color of the ColorMap.

In the shown example, this only affects such bug and doesn’t have to do anything with the Rojo version. I’ve tested both vanilla Roblox Studio and with the latest (v7.4.4) Rojo version installed.

Currently as of now, it is not possible to create easily adjustable and tileable PBR materials without a set limit. Since the MaterialService applies textures globally according to the world, it doesn’t fully cover all the possibilities that could’ve been achivied with the SurfaceAppereance Humanoid instance bug.

It would be amazing too see if that bug wouldn’t be forgotten and would be brought back as an actual Roblox Studio feature (Tileable SurfaceAppereance Textures or as a PBR alternitive to an already existing Texture instance)


Thanks for this report @xops_s. While we don’t specifically support bugs, this points to an issue with a supported use case, (grouping a default MeshPart + SurfaceAppearance alongside a Humanoid). We have filed a bug report internally to investigate this issue.

As a heads up, we’re planning to take SurfaceAppearance tinting out of Beta shortly. We will not have resolved this issue ahead of the Full release, because of its lower prevalence, but we are still tracking it and will get around to solving it based on our regular bug fixing process. :slight_smile:


Hi Creators,

SurfaceAppearance Tinting is now out of Beta and fully released! Many thanks for your feedback on the feature and letting us know what you’d love to see next, such as emissive maps and more textures and material customizability options. We are keeping these requests high up on our radar.

If you experience any issues with SurfaceAppearance Tinting in the future, please let us know by submitting a bug report.


emissive maps coming to roblox
this is fire !