[Full Release] Use Assistant to Boost Your Productivity

Hi Creators,

We’re excited to announce that Assistant is now out of beta and generally available to everyone using Studio. We want Assistant to help automate the more repetitive parts of your work and allow you to focus on the more engaging and creative parts. Over the past year, we’ve been focused on making Assistant work better for you.

Assistant has four new capabilities that increase its effectiveness:

In this post, we’ll discuss these new features and cover more broadly how to save time and iterate on your creations faster with Assistant.

We’ve also created a prompt guide for Assistant that gives guidance on communicating with Assistant and provides examples and inspiration on what Assistant can do.

New capabilities now live in Assistant

Script iteration

Previously if Assistant generated a script that you weren’t satisfied with or wanted to modify, you would have to undo or remove that script and re-prompt Assistant with a new prompt. With script iteration, Assistant can now work with you to modify your script until you achieve what you want to create.

Multi-Script Insertion

We’ve also improved script insertion capabilities. Assistant can now insert multiple types of scripts from a single prompt, including LocalScripts, ServerScripts, ModuleScripts and Remote Events. This enables Assistant to generate more sophisticated logic for your experience.

Let’s walk through an example of a lumberjack-style game that showcases multi-script insertion and script iteration:

First, ask Assistant: “When player touches the tree, the tree falls down.” Assistant will generate a TreeFallScript and insert the script under the Tree instance. You can see, when you play-test the experience, the tree falls when your player runs into it.

Assistant - TreeScript_cropped

Next, ask Assistant to “When the tree falls down, and hits the player, player health damages by 20. Update the player health score in a health score UI progress bar.”

Assistant will use the new script iteration capability to modify the existing TreeFallScript. Then, using the multi-script insertion capability, a LocalScript will be added to the StarterPlayerScripts to create the health UI and Remote Event will be added to communicate changes from server and client. You can see when you play-test the experience, the tree hurts the player if it falls on them.


Insertion from Creator Store

Assistant can now insert models from the Creator Store to help you populate your scene. It will insert one model by default but, if you click the drop-down, you can quickly switch between up to six different models from Creator Store.


You can use Creator Store models as placeholders. This is very useful if you want to prototype some new concepts.

Here’s how to prompt Assistant: “Insert a swimming pool.” Assistant will insert a swimming pool in the center of your viewport. You can switch between up to 6 different models from the Creator Store to see what looks best for your scene.

You can also repeat this action by clicking the “run” button in the prompt output, allowing you to add multiple Creator Store models seamlessly.

Assistant -Swimming Pool Insertion


You can use Parts to greybox your scene, name those parts based on the type of models you want to replace them with, and populate your scene using Creator Store models.

Below we used the prompt: “Replace the parts with models from Creator Store based on their names.” You can see that Assistant replaced all of the parts with models that matched the part names. In the example below, we changed the suggested sofa from Creator Store to better match our scene.

Assistant - Creator Store Insertion

Deeper understanding of DataModel context

When we first launched Assistant, it lacked full awareness of your entire data model, which meant that it needed help understanding prompts specific to your instances. This resulted in you having to often be overly prescriptive in your prompts. Over time, we’ve increased the understanding Assistant has of your DataModel to reduce the information you need to provide.

In this latest update, we’ve expanded Assistant’s context to access the DataModel hierarchy, as well as the names and types of every instance in your DataModel. Assistant can now look at the hierarchy of items and make modifications accordingly.

Additionally, Assistant can look at the hierarchy of child instances of objects and make changes accordingly. For example, here we are asking it to “Make the leaves of the trees in the workspace fall colored.”

Assistant DataModel Context_cropped

Key use cases for Assistant

We’ve been rolling out capabilities for Assistant over the past year. You can check out our prompt guide with over 20 use cases and prompts. Some of the most common use cases are:

Future of Assistant

Our vision for Assistant is that it becomes your virtual collaborator to help you be more productive and that Assistant helps you iterate toward your vision faster.

Assistant is now generally available, but we’re still planning to add more capabilities. Early next year, we will release some experimental Assistant features as Studio Betas. For instance, we are working on showing Assistant changes as script diffs that you can choose to accept.

Building Assistant into more workflows

Next year, we’re working on embedding Assistant into more workflows in Studio and providing entry points for you to use in different contexts. Some use cases we’re exploring:

  • Select a few lines of script and ask “What’s wrong with this script?”
  • Select a few lines of script and say “Make this script more performant.”
  • Select a package in Explorer, ask "Who made what changes since last version?”
  • Right-click on a mesh or part and generating a texture or material for that object.

We want your feedback!

We’re also excited to hear about more use cases and prompts that worked for you. Please share any recent ones that helped you below. Let us know if you have any questions or feedback.


What happens if Assistant doesn’t do what I asked it to do?

  • We’re continuing to improve Assistant, but sometimes it may still struggle with certain prompts. By giving the prompt a thumbs down, it helps signal that we need to improve Assistant’s response for that type of prompt. Additionally, you should try prompting Assistant with more details about what you are trying to accomplish. You can even provide it with specific function names if you want it to use those functions.

How can I figure out if Assistant can do something?

  • We’ve compiled a guide of some common Assistant prompts for you to reference, and you can always just try asking Assistant to do something and see how it responds.

What data do you use to train Assistant?

  • We’re using publicly available data such as scripts in Creator Store models and experiences that creators have given us permission to train AI models.

Do I have to share my experience data with Roblox to use Assistant?

No, you can use Roblox AI solutions like Assistant regardless of whether you share data with us. You can decide if you want to share your experience data with us for training.


This topic was automatically opened after 10 minutes.

how do i disable it? i had the beta feature off but now it looks like this won’t be an option. i do not want this, it’s way more of a burden than remotely helpful.

“given permission to train” no, you’re forcing people who do not want to opt into feeding this crap to donate their code for free. there’s a difference and i (& many, MANY others) do not wish to be a part of it, not cool.


I love this a lot, super powerful. I use it all the time for automating simple bulk tasks. Tedious things like synchronizing accessory attachments to rig attachments, moving and renaming meshparts, accessories, folders, etc. It’s a major part of my custom character accessory import workflow.

However, I don’t like assistant touching my datamodel or scripts without my explicit confirmation. More than once I’ve had it insert mystery scripts that I then ended up executing by accident during play testing because the action assistant took was automatic, poorly shown to me, and did not follow my prompt so it wasn’t expected. I only ever ask for code snippets, I never want a script inserted.

I would really hate for assistant to edit the script I’m looking at in a way I don’t notice, and then have to go through a recovery process because I saved and closed everything before I noticed.

Can I turn off some of these capabilities, or can we have better guards for allowing assistant to edit the experience?


I LOVE it! The only problem is it inserting scripts and models when I never asked it to. I only wish there were settings to toggle script and model insertion. Other than that I love how well it helps me with bothersome but small tasks.


is there an option to have this, and the training data thing, disabled (permanently)? no matter how much ai bullcrap is shoved down my esophagus, i will NOT be apart of its training, or will be using it.


AI mentioned. Prepare for war in the replies.

Looks like a helpful tool for tedious simple tasks. I wouldn’t trust this for any complex jobs, nor do I think developers should overly rely on this.

Additionally my nitpick is the AI can often give unintended results. Before the AI executes a task it would be nice if it would first reveal to the developer what it’s planning to do in a short summary so we could intercept and correct it instead of undoing it’s mistakes.


Panels like this are lazy loaded, doing most of their work only once you explicitly interact with them.

If you don’t have the assistant panel open you’re not paying a hidden tax just by the feature existing, so closing the panel and forgetting that it exists should suffice if you don’t find it useful.


Great idea. AI does have a tendency to hallucinate a lot with code specifically so this would be a good idea.


It is 2024. The year is 2015.

In all seriousness, I make the comparison because it feels very much like these AI slop features are being crammed down our throats, particularly with regard to the enforcement of Roblox’s AI training on any public library assets, as well as the acceleration of most engineering focus to be on adding features like this, whilst simultaneously limiting developer freedoms.

I want to be able to turn this off permanently in Studio’s settings. Likeminded people on the platform do not want, nor need this.

Please stop trying to mimic Microsoft’s anti-consumer practices from a decade ago. Hiding the capability to disable such features I feel, regrettably, tends to be the first step towards them being forcefully enabled.


I have used Assistant a few times and although sometimes it didn’t help, and sometimes hallucinated methods that do not exist, I can say it did help me many times where I spent an hour trying to do something and the assistant just gave me the solution in seconds.

It mainly helped me with geometry math which isn’t intuitive and I’m just not good at it.

However I don’t like that it inserts or modifies scripts, there should be an option to disable that.


When Data Sharing from this page, is it ONLY Shared to Roblox privately to train their AI?

Just making sure since I don’t want my games uncopylocked for the public to use, but would want my games to be accessed by the Roblox AI Team to build their AI Model faster


cool I’ll make an active effort to never use this !


Yes. it’s to share with Roblox ONLY. Only a few Roblox engineers will have access to the game you opted in explicitly.
No public access.


Thanks for the feedback. We are going to introduce a “review” step before script insertion/editing, which allows you to accept and decline the changes.


I’m new to coding and I can say that assistant has been VERY helpful from my experiences, and though I don’t want assistant to become a crutch for me, it helps me understand how code should look if I want a script to do a certain thing, and also how each part of the code is meant to function. Assistant is usually better to use than to search for guides on very specific cases because there usually aren’t many good, relevant, or up-to-date guides with coding specific things.

One issue ive seen is Assistant gets kind of slow when trying to process or modify scripts with long lines of code, and most of the time I only asked assistant to modify or add a single part to it. Is it possible for assistant to only process necessary lines of code or the code highlighted by the user when modifying to possibly speed up the process. I have a script with almost 900 lines of code and its got to the point where I have to move the lines of code I need modified to a blank script just for it to process (if the process time takes too long, usually around 5 minutes, the process fails).

Anyways, thanks for the W update roblox :+1: :+1:


how is this better than alternatives like chatgpt or gemini apart from saving you a few seconds to create and edit scripts?


The idea is it’s built into studio and can directly interact with your game.


exactly why I said “apart from saving you a few seconds to create and edit scripts”
pasting code into the command bar isn’t a hassle aswell. its just paste + enter, you cant get simpler than that…


I can’t understand, how it affects you that Roblox trains its model with code that is public, free, and with no license or attribution required, everything else like experiences and paid assets from before are disabled from data sharing by default, and new experiences are opt-in the moment you publish them.

You don’t wish to be part of what? Of a tool intended to help inexperienced developers? Isn’t that selfish? Do you believe it will take your job but at the same time is useless?