Weekly Recap: November 25 - December 6, 2024

Happy December everyone!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend and is staying warm during these snowy nights… Unless you’re on the other side of the world and enjoying the summer sun (I’m jealous rn :cold_face:).

Just a heads up, we have a code freeze in December… which means next week will be the last week teams will publish announcements for the year (not including the 2024 Year in Review) so expect one more recap.

But for now, there’s a lot to get through as this weekly recap gathers everything from the last 2 weeks… so let’s dive in! :diving_mask:

Remember - we keep information at a high level within these posts. For more information or to leave feedback, please comment on their official announcements linked below.


Betas & Updates

[Beta] Lua Asset Creation for Creator Tooling with CreateAssetAsync

  • We’re introducing two new APIs: AssetService:CreateAssetAsyncand AssetService:CreateAssetVersionAsync to enable third-party Lua tooling to programmatically create and upload assets to your inventories.

Announcements & Updates

Testing Improvements to the “Recommended For You” Algorithms

  • We’re excited to share our progress in identifying additional user behaviors that indicate long-term retention and help more creations get the opportunity to succeed on Roblox.
  • We’ve found that the frequency with which users return to play, spend, and interact with friends in your experiences are strong indicators, so we’re now testing these in our recommendations.

Users can enjoy up to 25% more Robux on computer, web and gift cards

  • Users can now receive up to 25% more Robux when purchasing through gift cards, computer, or web.
  • This new pricing will be available for all global users moving forward.

Update to TouchSwipe & Introducing TouchDrag

  • We have fully released updates to the TouchSwipe API, as well as our new TouchDrag API! These are now both available on Studio & client.

Paid Access Experiences Will Be Eligible for Engagement Based Payouts

  • Paid access experiences are now eligible for engagement based payouts.
  • This change impacts all paid access experiences, both in Robux and local currency.

Party Is Here! Unlock a New Level of Engagement

  • We’re rolling out Party, a seamless way for friends to group up with up to six friends and jump into an experience together, all without leaving Roblox.
  • We want Party to help you provide a whole new level of engagement for your users.
  • In early 2025, the Party API will be available and provide information on which users are in a Party together.

New Audio API Features: Directional Audio, AudioLimiter and More

  • Updates to the Audio API including:
    • AngleAttenuation (Beta)
    • AudioLimiter
    • AudioPlayer:GetWaveformAsync
    • AudioEcho.RampTime
    • SoundService.DefaultListenerLocation

Data Stores Get Version at Time Live in Engine and Open Cloud

  • This is a follow-up to the Upcoming Changes to Data Stores Versioning announcement. Methods to retrieve data store versions by timestamp are now live in Engine and Open Cloud. As a reminder, the other announced changes went live earlier this year.

Updating Experience Guideline Policies to Keep Our Younger Users Safe

  • On December 3, we started enforcing policy changes we previously announced: users under age 13 are not able to play experiences that don’t have content maturity labels.
  • We highly recommend filling out the experience questionnaire by going to: Creator Hub > Creations > Select an experience > Audience > Maturity & Compliance.

Even More Server Memory

  • We have now increased the amount of RAM we give per player to 100MB. This means the new scaling formula for server memory is: 6.4GB + 100MB * (Peak Number of Players). We’ve also optimized our CPU resource allocation systems to improve the p05 server heartbeat (frame rate) for some experiences.

Earn a Higher Revenue Share for $9.99+ Paid Access Experiences

  • You can now publish paid access experiences at three price points in a user’s local currency:
    • $9.99 USD: You earn $4.99 (50%) per sale.
    • $29.99 USD: You earn $17.99 (60%) per sale.
    • $49.99 USD: You earn $34.99 (70%) per sale.
  • You can change between price points at any time, for instance to test different price points to see what resonates most with your audience.

Avatar Auto-Setup Production Release

  • Avatar Auto-Setup is no longer in beta!
  • You need to restart Studio to use the production release of Auto-Setup.

[Full Release] Use Assistant to Boost Your Productivity

  • Assistant is now out of beta and has four new capabilities that increase its effectiveness:
    • Script iteration: You can ask Assistant to modify your existing scripts as well as iterate on scripts that it generates for you.
    • Multi-script insertion: From a single prompt, Assistant will insert multiple types of scripts into your experience to help achieve your objective.
    • Insertion from Creator Store: Assistant can insert 3D models from Creator Store.
    • Deeper understanding of DataModel context: Assistant has a better understanding of your full data model and can take action.

Introducing the New WrapDeformer Instance

  • We’re introducing a new WrapDeformer instance and associated APIs so you can modify 3D meshes with skinning, joints, and FACS data more easily in your published experiences.

Turkish, Polish, Thai, and Indonesian now Available in Studio

  • Today we are happy to share four new languages available in Studio. To select any of these new options, open Roblox Studio, go to File > Studio Settings and search for the Language setting.

Terms of Use Update

  • We’ve updated our Terms of Use to reflect some of the recent updates and features that we’ve released. This includes renaming ‘Group’ to ‘Community’, renaming ‘age guidelines’ to ‘content maturity’, and adding a paragraph allowing Paid Access experiences to be purchased in real currency as an option for creators.

Release Notes

Deprecated Web Endpoints

Develop API Asset Endpoints Deprecation

  • To streamline our API offerings and provide a smoother developer experience, we will be deprecating several asset-related endpoints in the Develop API on July 1, 2025. These endpoints are being replaced by their equivalents in the Assets API, which offer enhanced functionality and a more consistent design.


Submit to Our 2024 Year in Review!

  • We want to feature your amazing accomplishments here on the Developer Forum. Show us what you created using any product or feature that we launched in 2024 by submitting here.
  • Reminder that submissions are due next Monday, Dec 9 at 12PM PT.

Join us: We’ve updated our event promotion system

  • We’re launching new features this week that have increased user participation in experience events by 266% in our experiment period. Join us for a live stream on Thursday, December 5, at 1 PM PST to find out what the new features are.

Holiday Takeover: Today’s Picks on Marketplace

  • Starting December 20, we will be celebrating the holiday season by showcasing your festive fashions in Today’s Picks!
  • To be featured in Marketplace’s Today’s Picks Holiday Takeover, submit your items using this by December 16.

Can’t believe Roblox allows biased staff members now, winter is way better…

Great week for monetization improvements :smile:


hey hey I LOVE winter! … but it’s hard to beat summer lol


All of these are very great updates for not just developers, but users as well. Keep it up, for the sake of all of us :pray:


week 3 of asking for dedicated linux support
anyhow, this weeks updates are great (especially extra robux)


Mouse side button support when?

Mouse polling rate support over 125hz when?

Also a good read here if you thought Roblox supported 1khz (there’s only 8 posts) If you experience “frame related” issues on roblox despite having a decent framerate, this is why, and it should be prioritized asap.


meanwhile im burning in a tropical country

more server memory was an update i totally was not expecting, GOOD JOB


It’s 40° out. Not that cold.

Meh. Diving is for summer.

There is no peace in this political world.

To be on topic, it’s the end of the week already?! And we’re getting holiday takeover in the marketplace!!


We over in britain only got 2 days of snow a good while ago and now it’s just dissappeared I wish I was you!


The team is giving us all the Christmas presents early so they can open theirs in peace.


I love winter more than summre because it’s cold.

(Weekly Recap: September 23 - 27, 2024):

@Bluff_006 I just want to remind you that replies here are only meant for feedback on how we can improve weekly recaps, not on discussing what season you like, as mentioned by you in the first weekly recap above


ooof… so that’s how it feels when you’ve been hit with an uno reverse card :skull:


copyright! banished!

Anyway, this week was decent, especially about that wrapdeformer, that was funny

Also the server memory and party!! :partying_face:


drop unified lighting :pray: nice updates though, only the assistant on website sometimes gives innacurate results, once tried to call RenderPasses?


bud, are you okay, I think you might have the final stage of brainrot


can those 3d models contain scripts or are they just models ?

How can you be sure that it won’t insert something malicious that contains a hidden backdoor that could get creator of the experience terminated

i also tried the roblox studio AI assistance as of 12/12/2024 and it doesn’t produce secure or reliable or easy to update code it just feels like typical ai generated code it also doesn’t add any extra safety such as type checks or making sure that value sent from the client to the server isn’t NAN roblox trying to make scripting more accessible to people using ai isn’t a bad idea but there’s just a lot of stuff that can go wrong

code that was produced by roblox studio coding ai assistance :

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local donateMoneyEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("DonateMoneyEvent")

local function handleDonation(donatingPlayer, receivingPlayerName, amount)
    if not donatingPlayer or not receivingPlayerName or not amount then

    local receivingPlayer = Players:FindFirstChild(receivingPlayerName)
    if not receivingPlayer then

    if donatingPlayer == receivingPlayer then

    local donatingPlayerMoney = donatingPlayer:FindFirstChild("Money")
    local receivingPlayerMoney = receivingPlayer:FindFirstChild("Money")

    if not donatingPlayerMoney or not receivingPlayerMoney then

    if amount <= 0 or donatingPlayerMoney.Value < amount then

    donatingPlayerMoney.Value = donatingPlayerMoney.Value - amount
    receivingPlayerMoney.Value = receivingPlayerMoney.Value + amount


flaws :

this script can easily be exploited by client sending NAN value to the server
