Funny Roblox Animation Video

Hey all,
I’m Infinite_Visions, developer of Visions Games.

I’ve been having a lot of fun making Roblox animations/videos for my YT Channel. I just uploaded a new one, about a hacker facing off against a game owner.

I’d really like some feedback on this. I am very new to video editing/animating, so it may be sloppy. I had some issues exporting the video, so there are a few random moments where the screen is black when it shouldn’t be.

What can I improve on? What did you like about the video, and what didn’t you like? What would you like to see in the future? I welcome any and all feedback. Thank you!

Edit: People don’t seem to get that this is supposed to be a bit of a joke video, nothing serious. I’m just experimenting

I’ve added a new video showing a different animation style:


The animations are very awful.

The story has no mean

And the fact that this is called a “funny” video is astonishing.

@sam_0987654321best is also right, all the pngs you get are awful quality. The only semi good thing about this was your intro, and even that is a far cry.

You can even see some of the studio icons in the video, implying you literally just recorded over roblox studio.


Thanks for your feedback @sam_0987654321best and @InPhulze.

It is supposed to be a bit of a joke, nothing serious. There is a storyline though, if you watched through.

Comes across as a bit harsh and uncalled for. The video didn’t appeal to you, good thing you aren’t its target audience.

Ha, pretty true. This is all material I recorded/own. My computer is pretty terrible (it hardly runs), so it is a bit sketchy. Part of it is the exporting process as well.

Is there something wrong with recording in studio? My computer can’t handle Blender, so I have no other way to do it. It is hidden in most scenes though :wink:

Thanks for your feedback, I’ll be sure to improve where possible. One thing I’ve learned is Devforum doesn’t quite get is my sense of humor :upside_down_face:

too cringe, how is it funny.i didn’t chuckle once.

try looking at I like ya cut g which is 50x funnier.

I think it should be "cringe animation video " than “funny” bc it’s not
are you really gonna be one of the cringe YouTubers?


Well yeah. All the “animations” look like they are recorded at 6 fps using bandicam.

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I didn’t find this funny one bit, and the movement looks like it was recorded on a one of the first computers created.

I am sorry If I’m going to sound rude but this video felt like I was watching a type of YouTube Kids video with a mix of Jie GamingStudio’s edits but with 1$ budget.

I would have to agree a bit with the user @InPhulze in his phrase “The story has no mean”. The story doesn’t make any type of sense once the yellow character says “I am a hacker” and appears giant + after the other character “blows” him up and appears back randomly:

I also noticed that in 0:02, 0:20, 0:22, 0:26, 0:29, 0:50 and 0:57 that the images in the video don’t quite occupy the black lines and some were not positioned correctly in the middle, making it weird.

We can also see that the footage was recorded in Roblox Studio by noticing the little block in the right down corner:

The video doesn’t have a lot of meme sound effects, making it look pretty boring and etc just saying how awful the quality of the recording is.


The animations, aren’t that great since its just linear keyframes and it does not give a realistic action,
also the animations are choppy too but ill let that slide since you cant even handle Blender

the storyline, isn’t that great either since its so straightforward that you could just read the title then imagine what the story would be and it will probably be the same with the video storyline, you should probably add a twist to the story (e.g: the ban didnt work or the hacker bring his friend) something that can make the viewer interested

the editing, is not that bad but not good either the pngs kept changing different sizes and in a very bad quality too, the chatbox could do some improvements but sometimes there are these black screens between transitions from one scene to another which kind of bothers me a bit

but ill admit that i laughed at this video, not because its funny, its because its so bad that its funny thats literally it

sorry if this comes as rude

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Great video! Also its off-topic, this is not related to development

Bro it you actually think this is a “Great Video” then you’ve never seen an actual good YouTube video :pensive:


The topic is in the correct category (Creations Feedback).

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Must use blender or some other video recorder

The animation is pretty sloppy, I get it you’re new to animating, but since you’re using R15 on the walking animation try moving the lower legs a little bit, it’ll improve the animation, it literally feels like i’m watching a low-budget buur animation.

I didn’t also really understand the “will you be mother” part, I get it you’re trying to make something funny.

This is in the correct category, if you basically didn’t read what is about the creation feedback here you go.

It was in #development-discussion bruh

ayo i actually laughed at this, why are you guys so serious on roblox studio, touch some grass, youre litterally about to make someone die because of his work that you called bad :joy:

either way, it looks really good, it clearly shows that it’s a joke and made lazily as that shows that this is a joke. i laughed at it and that’s all that matters! Nice one bro, they just don’t get it because they might be too old. dont let the negative take over

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I’m not trying to start a argument whatsoever, but if we’re trying to give the user a feedback in a harsh - non-harsh way , how is that negativity? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You can obviously tell that to people that are basically saying that this animation looks like it’s recorded on a old recorder from 2014.

If you actually have read the post on this topic, you’d actually realise that the person that created this is actually new to animating and video editing.

Just telling you, i’m not being harsh.

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This is the twist?

This is due to how I exported, I put this at the top :slight_smile:

This was sort of my intention lol

I NEED BLENDER, I 100% agree.

It is adopt me, where parents adopt children

Since when :neutral_face:

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Thanks for the positivity @PlayerIord :slight_smile:

Most of it isn’t negativity, it is all really good feedback. The only that are plain negative are one that are like “This is dumb”, without telling a way to improve. It is like saying, “do better” but not telling them how.