Future Is Bright: Phase 3 - Studio Beta

if you actually need a solution, it’s somewhat convoluted but will do exactly what you need with Roblox’s current featureset. you need to copy the hex values of each color in your painting. Then, create a 1x1 (or any other size, 1x1 is fastest ofc) texture of each color. Set these as the texture for each part. Change the material to wool (least specular + most rough material which I am aware of). Voila.

True, that is a possibility. However, I’ve already placed a ton of lanterns, and the name of the part obstructing the light is simply called “Union”, so selecting them from the explorer tab is out of the question. It’d be incredibly tedious to manually go through each and every one. I’d think it’d be easier just to add a “ShadowCutoff” property like DevBuckette said, rather than manually fixing each and every light source.

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There should be roughness level to all materials instead of just SurfaceAppearance so it can look better

Thanks, but I don’t think that would work since the hex value wouldn’t take into account the saturation and other lighting values the place has. I’d rather not have to incorporate any textures or decals like that either way, but I appreciate the input. I just manually edited the color and lighting by eye with both a shadowmap and future lighting version of the map opened in studio to get them as close as possible.

Yup! I had to do a bit of Vector3 math to calculate the position of the final attachment so the beam doesn’t look smaller than the actual light, but once I had that that’s basically it.

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That is truly satisfying! :slightly_smiling_face:


This is truly awesome! However, it would make it even more awesome if lighting would be effected by transparent parts with partly transparent decals. Take the image below:

The fence completely block the light. If the lighting were realistic in this case, there would be spots of light on the other side of the fence, as the light escapes the decal on the transparent part.

I know this would be graphics intensive, so I would recommend this be available only on high graphics setting levels.

Otherwise, this lighting is amazing!


Oh, yeah. That would be awesome.

For me, it worked. Maybe it’s the decal? Or maybe it was the sunlight for me. Can’t remember.

I made a test thing as shown above where it went through the block, it was just a part with a surface light, and shadows were an option.

SurfaceLights have a Shadows property but it doesn’t do anything right now.

FiB 3 is surely the future of Roblox.
Way to go, Roblox!

We aren’t a lego building game anymore I guess :grinning:


Is it just me or does the metal material seem VERY dark?


I don’t see why you would need to change the texture of a shadow, but it’s not possible. Coloring shadows is possible though, you can change one of the ambient colors, though I don’t know what you mean by “range of the shadow”


This is such a useful update for Roblox, so many people are already using this :smiley: I wonder what is in store for phase 4 :thinking:

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Phase 3 is the final phase in the FiB release schedule.


That’s sad :frowning: What’s next?

They aren’t gonna have specular maps
You will have roughness maps instead
Their PBR material includes the 4 base texture maps


i’ve updated the original post with some information about current status quo. thanks for all feedback! we’re working hard to fix all the issues


Your update did not address the ability to disable speculars highlighting on lights. Is this planned?