Future Is Bright: Phase 3 - Studio Beta

I think he still wants to have the lanterns cast shadows, just not from the lantern itself. SurfaceLights do not cast shadows.

What? Why? Why does ROBLOX choose to make surfacelights not cast shadows? Is there any reason? This is absurd! I use surfacelights for pretty much everything with lights because of how realistic it is!

That pretty much defeats the whole purpose of FIB3!

“Use spotlights instead!! Quit whining!”

No. Spotlights are for their own use and emit light from only a point. Second, they’re currently broken as enabling shadows in spotlights completely breaks them.


In early prototype builds of FiB, SurfaceLights could cast shadows. The last few prototype builds (and now the official Studio release) no longer support the feature. If I have to guess, it was omitted for technical reasons.

I’ve had no issues substituting most of my SurfaceLights with SpotLights.

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Oh come on, they can’t do this to us. Pointlights are unrealistic and making surfacelights not cast shadows basically make it deprecated altogether.

I wish SurfaceLights got the treatment as well, but are you really going to call PointLights unrealistic in a world where lightbulbs exist?


When is this launching for players?

Looks amazing! :slight_smile:


Still unrealistic until pointlights get a size/diffusion slider.

Light cannot exist in an infinitely small point in real life. Even lightbulbs emit surface oriented light


Will we be able to change the darkness of PointLight shadows? Right now the shadows are super weak and I can’t figure out how to make them darker. I have tried changing all of the Lighting and PointLight properties and its not helping at all.

The red ball has a PointLight with shadows enabled and Range 60. The shadows are almost unnoticable.

When I move the red ball closer to an object, it gets more noticable, but still not dark enough.

With Lighting.GlobalShadows enabled. See, the sun shadows are much darker than PointLight shadows, which is not what I want.

I would like the shadows to be darker, but that doesn’t seem possible with the current properties of PointLights.

This is the effect I'm going for:



We have seen many amazing updates, but nothing quite like this! Great job Roblox Staff!


From what I think that’s happening because where the spot light emits it’s inside the part. If you make it invisible it would work perfectly fine. You can even see it emitting in the part unlike the other light emitters.

God I love going to this thread and seeing everyone’s great creations and the improvement with the new lighting system. Great job dude!

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There is a fix for spotlights. You have to make the part invisible cause the place it’s emitting from is inside the part which is why when you turn on shadows it seems like it doesn’t work. I’m pretty sure it will be fixed in the future. And i’m sure they will have shadows later on for surface lights but wont be planned for it yet, probably cause of technical issues and want to release it by the end of the year. That’s what I assume currently.

The lighting itself did a HUGE change to my Game’s lighting, mostly at nights tho! You see the nights are obviously darker which gives the future lighting a bit more new look and realistic look!

Truly satisfying to see Roblox releasing these amazing features and for us developers to test!
This wasn’t easy tho, unlike any other feature this one was a real pain at first!
5 Hours spent to change all lightings. You might ask why. Well, you see the lighting changed every point, surface and spot light objects in the game making some brighter and making some darker. I’m still playing around with this but It’s 80% compatible in “The Voyage” a project of mine!

Here are some images! :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for reading! :smiley:


You’re right! My Subway looks so cool at night!


Just tried it out! Super pretty!! Although, an issue I found is that having a lot of point lights causes localscripts binded to RenderStepped are slowed down despite not having low FPS


i like this update its really cool :grinning:

ShadowMap :point_up_2: and Future :point_down:

but future technology have so many problems* :no_mouth:


tfw you’ve been developing a game in future is bright 3 since you started working on it

sorry for late reply, im not sure about making lens flare out of a reflection, you may need to use a raytracing renderer for something like that, which roblox does not have, sounds interesting though

This is amazing, I can finally work with better lighting for my games and also my GFX. Thank you Roblox, the future is really bright.

This is so good that you don’t need to render in blender for your game thumbnails, a screenshot using FIB3 as the lighting technology is more than enough! :joy:

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